Allistair did us a favor by listing out the quirks - thanks, buddy. Looking at them, I made the comment in his post about how they all got the same mobility quirks (+50% accel/decel and +60% turn rate) along with very mediocre/severely lacking structure quirks. Even the weapon quirks are pretty weak. Reviewing them, I can only really come to a few conclusions:
- PGI realized that they allowed quirks to get out of control and are reigning things in to prevent the arms raced that we have
- Because the PH is new and is modeled with the correct volume levels, this is what they've devised as being "correct" for a 45 tonner and/or a 45 tonner with that level of speed and JJs
- Given the above, PGI is going to standardize all variants within a chassis thus removing the notion of one variant being the most nimble while another has the most structure quirks while another has the best combat bonuses
I could totally be pulling a Chicken Little here but I get the sense that POSSIBLY the good days are going away. It makes sense because they're looking at releasing, after *cough* appropriate *cough cough* testing by us, the new Power Draw system to replace Ghost Heat. It could be that they feel like that will limit the TTK that we're currently experiencing.
Waste of a topic? Even bigger waste of thought?