Ill bite.
First off I would increase missile speed to 600 m/s as a rough estimate. My goal would be to make it so that on a perfect flat plane at the 1000m max it would take 2 seconds for the missiles to impact even with the arcing trajectory.
Next for indirect fire I would drasticly increase the spread. Obviously testing would be needed but a starting number would be say 100%. Landing any missiles via indirect fire in table top was a pain in the rear. Artemis, tag and narc will reduce that spread value but 10% for each system used but thats it. However the missiles would become fire and forget. No need to face that direction for the entire travel time. Ideally my goal would be for only about 20% of a standard LRM rack to be able to hit a target with indirect fire.
However if you have direct line of sight the missile spread would drasticly reduce and attempt to converge on the component you aim for but only if you aim. If you have LOS but do not aim they act as if they were fired indirectly. You still will never get 100% accuracy but maybe 50% on the targeted component and the rest on adjacent components depending on spread. Increase that to say 70% with artemis, tag, or narc, 80% with two of those systems and 90% with all three. This of course is under ideal conditions where you fire the missiles while having line of sight and hold your aim for the entire travel time. The biggest thing that would be have to be tested would be how quickly the missiles converge while aiming.
Clan missiles would gain a true no minimum range and remove the damage falloff mechanic.
Is missiles minimum range would change drasticly. Missiles would leave the launchers and go to full spread almost immediately. 10 m or something. Missiles would not begin to converge untill they hit 200m. Thereafter they would converge at a rate of 33% (100% being what their best spread can be depending on what systems are used. Stock, artemis, tag, and narc) per 100m traveled so that LRM's direct aim gets a 500M sweet spot. Less and you will not get full convergance. More will still get you that convergance but at the price of longer face time and the fact that the target will have time to move (though not much). If you stop aiming during the flight time the missles would spread at the same rate they converged.
How I see it playing out for the aiming convergance idea.
A mech 500m from target has LOS on a target and while aiming CT fires an LRM 20. He holds his aim for the full second it takes his missiles to travel to the target. He does 10 points to the CT and the other 10 points are spread out over the the two side torso's.
The same senario but this time .5 seconds after the LRM's are fired the mech comes under fire and the pilot chooses to torso twist. For the last 250m to the target the missiles have no direct guidance and revert to indirect mode and the spread had only just begun to converge. The remaining distance is more than enough for them to spread back out and act as an indirect shot.
*edit* Knew I forgot something. After reading your post Bishop I noticed I forgot cooldown times. All LRM launchers would have the same cooldown. Sorry LRM 5 boaters they were not meant to be better than 20 racks. Just more efficient tonnage wise.
Edited by Cementi, 17 June 2016 - 08:50 AM.