I didn't know Battlefield 2 had heat to manage, speed to manage, multiple weapons, ranges, torso and feet direction, reverse and forward(gears), arm lock, etc. I thought it was a simple twitch botter shooter clone, but I guess I was wrong.
To the topic, yes I think the wheel will be easier to use eventually but some comms to keys would be great.
Also half the players that act like their really good on these forums and in game, are not. In fact they are really bad and is the reason that reading their replies it would seem they never played MechWarrior Online before, at least legit.
I am waiting for the reply " But using wall hacks and aim bots takes skill to." Your right I have seen some pathetic piloting from cheats. Not even mediocre. Pathetic. Which I am guessing half the push for no convergence is coming from....
Edited by Johnny Z, 22 June 2016 - 12:02 PM.