Merc and Claner will not see the point and so it will be never fixt and Phase 3 will stay in this terrible shape.
OK, you think my unit "must" only "flood" the Scouting War to repaire the damage made by the IS pugs and then, hours later (maybe, of course the IS-Pugs lose faster that you can win), when back to 50/50 we could maybe play a invasion game...
Or, we "invent" 12 new players (or 24 or 36) who are willing to do hours of stupid scouting to make it possible for another 12 players to play the game...
No Sir, not for me and not for the mayority of the IS Loyalist. They have already make a decision.
And you think it is balancend but IS need for every Pug-Group a additional coordinate Group?
Next time, when the new great Clan-Mech came out and Everyone and his Mother change to Clan Jade Falcon to stomp IS-Pugs and then sitting hours in the dead by [Long Tom] attack line... use the time to think about the real meaning of balance.
But I have enough from this topic and in fact I have stoped playing faction war outside the official unit training. And even there we do much more lobby training as we used to...
R31Nismoid, on 26 June 2016 - 07:58 PM, said:
So on one hand you say there is no sense in co-ordinating against it, yet that is the way to counter it.
Odd statement there.
I have no issue dropping as a 4-man IS against a PUG clanner group, its a very easy win because a bunch of SCrows are so easy to bring down.
I'll let you in on a secret... If you co-ordinate and split your 12-man up into 3 x 4-mans, you've then flooded the queue so the PUGs cannot lose intel. And then if you can't gather 50+ intel in 40mins you're doing something wrong as a pre-made against those soft as butter Stormcrows.
Edited by draiocht, 09 July 2016 - 10:10 AM.
edited out vulgarity