To tackle this problem, I think that both the faction play buttton and quick play button should be removed and replaced with a single 'play' button. Upon clicking this button, the player will be brought to the FW screen and only through this screen aer they able to access the quick play option.
The sencond problem is to have a way of linking quick play and faction play to swoo more people into playing the FW side of things. The way I would do this would be tthe introdution of a new sort of currency called IP (Invasion Points). As a player plays in quick play, they will earn IP based on thier performance in the game. This IP goes into the pool of IP belonging to the faction they are currently contractced with. This IP will then by distributed proportionally around all of the players who played the invasion gamemode based on their cumulative score. In order to make the process of capturing and defending planets more important, When a faction loses a planet, the amount of IP in the faction's current pool drops by 15%. Likewise, if the faction gains a planet, their pool increases by 15%. If the faction they're allied with loses a planet, their Total IP pool decreases by 7.5% and they gain 7.5% IP if the faction they're allied with gains a planet. This IP would then be distributed at the end of the attack phase so that the IP pool can start being filled up as soon as the ceasefire starts. IP could be use to do either of 3 things:
- Convert into c-bills at a set amount (e.g. 100 c-bills for every 1 IP)
- Converted into clan EXP to further your faction standing
- Used to buy faction specific items (e.g. faction colours/cockpit items
The way that I envisioned the IP distribution system would work is if, say for instance, the faction had a pool of 1000 IP and 5 player had accumulated 500 match score from playing invasion. 1000/5 would equal 2 IP per match point. If player 1 was a loyalist had 150 match points, he would receive 300 IP in total. If player 2 was a mercenary and had 100 match score, he would get 200 IP minus 10% resulting in 180 IP earned. the 20 IP that he didn't earn is not put back into the factions pool but is discarded. If faced with a situation where the IP was not completely divisible by the total match score, for example, 1500 IP in the pool and 200 match score which results in 7.5 IP per match point, the amount of IP earned would be rounded down to the nearest integer which in this case would be 7. The additional .5 IP per match point would be discarded.
So those are my Ideas on FW. A few questions to ask you people:
- Do you think this is a good Idea and if not why?
- Are there any other uses for IP which you think would be better than my Ideas?
- do you think there is a better alternative to IP?