Maugged, on 27 June 2016 - 01:43 PM, said:
Lights have the advantage of exceptionally high mobility and don't generally need mixed armaments to manage a multirole build. An SPL Cheetah can get where it needs to be on most any map, with a few well-known, blown-out-of-proportion exceptions. An MPL or ERML Cheetah does even better, though nobody ever seems to think of doing anything but half a dozen sipples on the thing.
And despite what the comps will frequently say, 'versatile multirole' machines aren't always horrible FrankenMechs with one of everything except the ability to win fights. My favorite 'Mech and constant example is my Cauldron-Born. Two Quack/5s, six ERML. On cold maps, Li'l Susan can lean on the lasers; on hotter ones she sticks to the autocannons and saves the beams for killshots. Close-range fights, I can hammer people with the full-monty alphabeatings until they buzz off and leave me alone; longer ranges I can heckle folks with the autocannons or irritate them with some laser pokes. The Cauldron-Born is mobile enough that if I'm at disadvantage in any given fight, I can (usually) go find a new one more to my taste.
But in a MWO where everyone gets to pick whatever 'Mech they like, free and clear, at the start of any match, cool builds like that evaporate like so much steam because Susan can't readily deal with being the only autocannons-and-lasers 'Mech on a map with twenty-three 50kph forty-tube SRM bloatboats on it, as one example. Outside of disengaging and poking ineffectually from wherever I can find whilst the bloatboats see who wins the sumo match.
Comps always want to control or eliminate as absolutely many variables as they can, because to them anything that isn't rigidly defined, predictable, and able to be accounted for is a detractant to The Almighty Skill. In some circumstances, they're right - in this one, I don't believe they are. Uncertainty in map selection, and the resulting uncertainty in your opponents' make-up for the match, shakes things up in a way a lot of less-comp players find highly desirable.
I mean, c'mon. Does anyone here really, truly want to play nothing but a 50kph SRM-overloaded assault on River City ever again?