Wintersdark, on 28 June 2016 - 08:02 AM, said:
And I'd argue if someone is standing right behind you, they deserve to get stepped on. Seriously. Those guys who ride up close behind teammates are the worst kind of teammates, the kind who deserve an alpha in the face for being jackasses.
I don't know man, I'm always really self-conscious about not blocking people, but there's always those situations where the guy ahead of me has much faster decel quirks. When he stops, I stop, but my momentum carries me further. It's a problem when you play lots of different chassis and classes and stopping in a SDR is completely different from stopping in a HGN.
In short, mistake happen.
Ed Steele, on 28 June 2016 - 10:36 AM, said:
Agreed, as I have said before, collision damage should be based on physics (mass * velocity). I have wavered on my stance regarding knockdowns and I agree that being knocked down is about as fun as being stun-locked by flamers, so I am ok with leaving knockdowns out. However, even without knockdowns, Mechs should never "teleport" through solid objects when colliding with them and this problem has come back since the last patch.
Teleporting is a result of server-side and client-side communication overlap. Client says one thing, server says another, server wins and you end up on the other side of them.
As for force/inertia-based collision damage: Sounds great in theory but just another hard nerf to lights.