The bowels of Mechwarrior Online churned-a new creation was to be born. The sounds of gears-oiled by the flesh and blood and cash of unwitting pawns-reflexively turned, creating and designing a new machine, one to punish the slow, the stupid, the cranky.
With a retch-inducing heave, a impure and tainted sound,the great metal-and-flesh Sphincter of Mechwarrior Online splayed open-sticking for a moment to the creation, the unholy image of prolapse disgustingly apparent. A small creature-premature, covered in oil and organic birthing fluids-quivered, the ichor dripping off in globs of slime.
The creature stirred. It stood-unsteadily at first, slowly rising to two-toed feet. A mouth agape, ruby-red and reflective materials inside; Two thin, straight lines were the eyes of this morbid creature. Multiple weapons ports dotted the front of the machine; Each a high-caliber machine gun, developed to tear apart components in seconds. And then-it spoke.
Softly at first. "Piiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrr..."
It glanced around, raising its arms above its head, as the crowd of Mechwarriors gazed upon it, bowing-some cried, some laughed, some had unmoving glares of hatred and said nothing. And it cried out a new sound-alien and incomprehensible, the noise was slowly turned into an identifiable language. All the Piranha said, was one bone-chilling sentence.
Edited by Catten Hart, 26 January 2018 - 07:09 PM.