A personal favourite ever since I saw artwork in the MW2: Ghost Bears Legacy Manual.
"It has the biggest guns, so its the bestest mech: jjm1, 1997"
Its only a rough sketch, I might model it in 3D, but probably wont have the time. The arm pods are traced from an original Battletech artwork since they are cooler than anything I came up with after about five tries.
I also wanted to design how a Stone Rhino could fit into MWO, without destroying its iconic triple gun barrel look. Rather than stick to whats available I invented a dorsal turret component. The turret moves freely the same way a mechs arms move and has its own armor pool that could be quirked right onto the component itself.
According to Battletech cannon the Stone Rhino fires its two Gauss Rifles through the same barrel. That never sat right with me for MWO, so I converted the turret to a third LPL and made two torso mounted ballistic hard-points instead.
I made up the designation SRH. Not sure if PGI also makes these up for clan mechs, I'm guessing they do.
Finally I used stats for two later variants. They don't have a turret, but they do have more hard-points, and I added some more. The SRH-3s x2 ATMs were converted to x4 LRM-10s.
I didn't do the math, so they are probably not even viable, let alone efficient, but the idea is there.

Mockup of the SRH-1. Not cannon with endo-steel, but I really wanted that third large pulse

All feedback appreciated.
Edited by jjm1, 01 July 2016 - 10:15 AM.