Just looked thorugh my list of recordings...
The OC teams have them already but non the less I am going to post the full recordings list... if any teams want the link to their recordings just let me know via PM. IMPORTANT: Only if both teams want the recording I will give it out.
The OC matches will land on my playlist and be released for the public after the finals. The other ones will only be made public after I got the permission of the teams (for OC I have them already

If you don't want your video to be public available... just inform me!
I had more but a good lot of them were on the HD that decided to die
1BTC | DSA Rangers |
DSA Rangers | ARMD |
The Wild Twos | Ebon Keshik |
ISRC | Ebon Keshik |
ARMD | Squad Foxtrott |
COMA | Squad Foxtrott |
KBKP Boys | ARMD |
KBKP Boys | Squad Foxtrott |
KBKP Boys | COMA |
COMA | 54th Tsunami |
256 Bear Cav + Ref#11 vs 256 Bear Cav (URBINATION!) |
The Cadre | Chaos Within |
PH Dominion | Narc the sun |
SiG | CEF - 1CMB |
Storm Jaguar | The Cadre |
228 BW | The Cadre |
INEX | Smoke Adders |
Chaos Within | Storm Jaguar |
SRoT Jaegers | The Cadre |
SRoT Jaegers | EmpyreaL |
STEEL | House of Lords |
Tempelritter | Majestic 12 |
Tempelritter | EON |
Phl_WC2016 | Tempelritter |
Blood Wolf Inc | Black Bands |
19th Striker | LORDs EU |
12DG Avengers | Blood Wolf Inc |
MS RedShirts | Lords EU |
Edited by Ibrandul Mike, 04 October 2016 - 02:23 AM.