Johnny Z, on 03 July 2016 - 05:24 AM, said:
While I think quads would be awesome. I think the game is lacking in a few other areas for to long for them to be wildly popular like they could be in a more feature complete game.
One of the biggest problems in MW:O is the lack of variety. There's the lack of maps, for one, but also a lot of the mechs are redundant, with extreme amount of overlap. Ignoring cosmetic differences, a lot of mechs or their variants function more or less the same (especially considering the current weapon balance and emphasis on quirked weaponry further reducing the effective variety in the game).
Quadrupeds would definitely help alleviate this issue in the lack of variety.
We do need more maps though (but people responsible for map design and people responsible for programming or mech designs probably don't overlap much, so they shouldn't affect one another too much).
Karl Streiger, on 03 July 2016 - 05:31 AM, said:
Mw2 - only game with a quad.
Not to forget earthsiege
Yeah, a game from 1995 had it. That's over 20 years ago.
A bit off-topic
I also find it hilarious how something like Warthunder or World of Tanks can have **** like flying saucers, tanks that are balls and even mechs just for April 1st events. In a lot of these cases they seem to have required MORE effort to put in than Quadrupeds would. Heck, i'm pretty sure the mechs in War Thunder we're even able to crouch!

Yeah, i realize they're somewhat bigger companies with more money behind them, but my point still stands. I think.
Edited by Juodas Varnas, 03 July 2016 - 05:37 AM.