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#1 Zarock


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 12:14 PM

Greetings Mechwarriors and -Devs, I got a question:
Why is there no option to report someone for running away and hiding from his enemys? Just had 2 matches where this happened.
First match, a firestarter was left on the enemy team, we still had 8 mechs left, but none of them faster than 90 kph. He ran away, on forest colony, no chance to find him even with 8 mechs. 10 minutes of searching, then, in the last minute, he fought with one of our mechs and got killed.
Second Match one enemy, 2 on our team left. Enemy was an lrm awesome on top of the mountain in crimson strait. Neither our king crab nor the rifleman could get up to him and he kept sitting there and wrote "come and get me" in the chat (he was out of ammo, too), till the end of the match.
People like this waste others time and lock 23 mechs in the game for at least 10 minutes. Why isnt this reportable, but "nonconstructive" content in chat? 99% of stuff written in chat is "nonconstructive".
Dont get me wrong, its rare that I feel the urge to report someone. Im aware that there shouldnt be too much reasons to report someone for, since people will start reporting for every little thing (they already do too often), but if "nonconstructive" chat-content is reportable, "hiding" should be, too.
Btw thats what I would in fact call "nonparticipation", which is reportable, but just if he/she is afk or disconnected.

#2 Khosumi


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 12:38 PM

When that kind thing happens, I tend to report for AFK, as it is pretty much the same result in the end - He's not fighting.

That being said, I do agree that there needs a "Refuses to fight" button, having to wait so long for 1 guy to die is atrociously long and irritating when the guy powers down, in which I feel free to press F9 and reveal his position to the enemy.
These people need a ban or something.

#3 MechWarrior4023212


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 02:18 PM

View PostZarock, on 20 February 2016 - 12:14 PM, said:

Greetings Mechwarriors and -Devs, I got a question:
Why is there no option to report someone for running away and hiding from his enemys? Just had 2 matches where this happened.
First match, a firestarter was left on the enemy team, we still had 8 mechs left, but none of them faster than 90 kph. He ran away, on forest colony, no chance to find him even with 8 mechs. 10 minutes of searching, then, in the last minute, he fought with one of our mechs and got killed.
Second Match one enemy, 2 on our team left. Enemy was an lrm awesome on top of the mountain in crimson strait. Neither our king crab nor the rifleman could get up to him and he kept sitting there and wrote "come and get me" in the chat (he was out of ammo, too), till the end of the match.
People like this waste others time and lock 23 mechs in the game for at least 10 minutes. Why isnt this reportable, but "nonconstructive" content in chat? 99% of stuff written in chat is "nonconstructive".
Dont get me wrong, its rare that I feel the urge to report someone. Im aware that there shouldnt be too much reasons to report someone for, since people will start reporting for every little thing (they already do too often), but if "nonconstructive" chat-content is reportable, "hiding" should be, too.
Btw thats what I would in fact call "nonparticipation", which is reportable, but just if he/she is afk or disconnected.

Some people are idiots, reporting for not fighting will not solve it...you can report trolling though

#4 Usless Ursa


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Posted 21 February 2016 - 01:07 AM

Talking about reporting - it would be nice to have a combat log in order to find out who is TK-ing or teamdamaging....sometimes it can be very hard to find out who did the damage...

#5 MrMadguy


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Posted 21 February 2016 - 03:48 AM

I agree - we need "Hiding" option. "Avoiding engaging with enemies and needlessly dragging out the match" is against COC. But faster 'Mech pilots claim, that they are not obligated to engage with enemies, cuz "Attacking enemies without any tactical purpose" is against COC too, and say something like "Come and get me, if you can". But the problem is in fact, that "Suicide" rule is applicable to BOTH sides. Slower 'Mechs aren't obligated to pursue faster ones too, due to risking to be divided/killed one by one/ambushed, so second rule can be taken away from equation and only first one stays.

"Tactical hiding" - is "short term" rule. You can't "set up an ambush" via shutting down in a corner of the map or via running around a map, keeping safe distance from enemy team, sorry. And, as faster 'Mechs have speed advantage and it's them, who make choice to engage with enemies or to run away - therefore it's their duty to engage with slower 'Mechs. If they avoid engagement and say something like "You have to catch me to win" - don't pursue them. Stay together. And simply report them for non-participation. Currently AFK option is most suitable for this situation.

#6 Chaldon


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Posted 04 July 2016 - 08:43 AM

Another thing needs to be said about "Assisting the enemy".

Patience needs to be utilized before giving away your team positions... They might be doing something you do not understand.

See what the rest of the team has to say before you give them up.

#7 VonBruinwald


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Posted 04 July 2016 - 11:28 AM

View PostChaldon, on 04 July 2016 - 08:43 AM, said:

Another thing needs to be said about "Assisting the enemy".

Patience needs to be utilized before giving away your team positions... They might be doing something you do not understand.

See what the rest of the team has to say before you give them up.

On the flip side I had an enemy team threatening to report me because I didn't reveal my position. I was playing a death-ball domination on Crimson and the rest of my team was dead, all the enemy had left was a Phoenix Hawk, Warhawk and Dire Wolf whilst I was dodging about in a damaged Raven keeping an eye on them.

For 4 minutes, I evaded detection in the zone as they tried to dig me out while all their dead brethren accused me of shutting down and wasting their time (with said threats of reporting), what really pinched was some of the accusations were coming from my own team, apparently charging the three of them was the smart thing to do! Some of my team did enjoy the peek-a-boo show though, as I could only keep an eye on the enemy when they had their backs turned to me and they kept getting close. Eventually the enemy split up, the two hawks prowling for me separately and the wolf plodded off to destroy our base (we were winning on the clock at this point). Cue an Alpha into the already damaged Rear-T of the Warhawk and pop she goes before she realised what happened. My team congratulate me on the timing/move and the last two regroup after realising I'm still a threat. I'm forced to go back to evasion when one of my own team rats me out and with less than a minute on the clocks (and mine back up to 60) I figure fudge it and open up on the Hawk and Wolf, obviously I didn't last those last seconds as I suffered from the Daishi.

It was great match for me, sullied by players lacking patience.

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