Greeting Tournament MechWarrior,
All matches to date should be played and results submitted by no later than July 30th!
This is an extension to previous rescheduling allowances! All officially scheduled matches in June & July can still be rescheduled and played by July 30th and still count toward the MWOWC2016 results!
Any matches scheduled in June & July that have not been completed by July 30th will result in a match loss for both teams if the following has occurred:
- Both teams could not make an appearance at the officially scheduled match time with a full 8-player team. (A No-Show by a team, without any of that team’s players appearing at all, will cause an additional 1-strike penalty.)
- Both teams arrived to the match but neither had 8 players to play at the officially scheduled match time. (The referee at the official match time will make note that the team showed up to notify, thus no further penalty will be taken beyond the match loss.)
Unplayed matches will not have their results updated in the Standings until July 30th, unless it was a clear forfeit by one team.
For example: Team A appears with 8 players at the scheduled match time, but Team B does not have enough players to play. If Team A refuses to reschedule for Team B, then Team A will get the win for being ready at the official time; the result would then be updated to the Standings before the 30th.
For the month of August, all matches officially scheduled in that month can be rescheduled and played at any time prior to August 30th. As of this posting July 7th, you are free to reschedule your August matches but all matches officially scheduled for August must be played and results submitted by August 30th.
Essentially, all matches must be completed by the end of the month of the official scheduled match date. If you have a game on July 15th, it can be rescheduled to be played anytime between now and July 30th. If you have match scheduled for October 7th, it can be rescheduled between now and Oct 30th. We are trying to allow as much leeway to private scheduling as possible to get as many games played as possible. The end of month restrictions are to make sure progression is being made.
These rescheduling rules apply for each month thereafter, as well.
Thank you for your participation and cooperation!

[Update] Match Rescheduling Time Changes!
Started by Tina Benoit, Jul 07 2016 02:11 PM
8 replies to this topic
Posted 07 July 2016 - 02:11 PM
Posted 08 July 2016 - 07:12 AM
honestly, this should have been the case right away, would have aved a lot of nerves for a lot of people.
But I guess better late than never ...
But I guess better late than never ...
Posted 08 July 2016 - 09:46 AM
For clarity, matches that fall on the last few days of a month have no leeway? That is a match scheduled for July 30th must be played by the next day at the latest given the match is in July. Correct?
Posted 08 July 2016 - 01:21 PM
All past double-forfeit matches where both teams had less than 8 players at the official match time, will be reopened to rescheduling. Which means it will be reverted on Standings and on your schedule will not list a loss.
So you still have until July 30th to agree upon a new match time, play, and submit the result!
So you still have until July 30th to agree upon a new match time, play, and submit the result!
Posted 08 July 2016 - 01:41 PM
VVonka, on 08 July 2016 - 09:46 AM, said:
For clarity, matches that fall on the last few days of a month have no leeway? That is a match scheduled for July 30th must be played by the next day at the latest given the match is in July. Correct?
That's correct, matches officially scheduled on the July 30th should have submitted results by 31st. However teams have the ability to reschedule well in advance if the official scheduled time does not work for both teams.
Posted 09 July 2016 - 03:52 PM
honestly said, it is often very difficult to get responeses/reactions to rescehdule requests that are sent far in advance. obviously some teams consider those low priority. also there might be last minute events like accdidents or power failures or sickness.
lets consider this examples:
.) you had a game scheduled for luly 1st and one team can only field 7, because of an accident, black out or whatever
.) they still have 30 days to play that game. that sounds very sensible and doable
.) now lets say tat very same game was not scheduled for july 1st but for july 30th, again an accident happens to one team member and one team can only field 7 because of that
.) they do have to forefit
does this sound fair to you? to me it sounds a bit random cause one game has 30 days to be played, the other only 1 ...
so why not make it generally 4 weeks or one full month time to reschedule? you still would force progress in games played. on top of that because in october there are only very few games scheduled (first 2 weeks) you still could say that the last october games have to be played by october 31st, I guess nobody would complain a whole lot about that ... but maybe I am wrong there.
although the new ènd of month`rule is better, you could still improve it by making it a 'within one month from original schedule' rule. I am sure a lot of people would thank you for that, because it gives equal chances fpr all games regarding reschedules
lets consider this examples:
.) you had a game scheduled for luly 1st and one team can only field 7, because of an accident, black out or whatever
.) they still have 30 days to play that game. that sounds very sensible and doable
.) now lets say tat very same game was not scheduled for july 1st but for july 30th, again an accident happens to one team member and one team can only field 7 because of that
.) they do have to forefit
does this sound fair to you? to me it sounds a bit random cause one game has 30 days to be played, the other only 1 ...
so why not make it generally 4 weeks or one full month time to reschedule? you still would force progress in games played. on top of that because in october there are only very few games scheduled (first 2 weeks) you still could say that the last october games have to be played by october 31st, I guess nobody would complain a whole lot about that ... but maybe I am wrong there.
although the new ènd of month`rule is better, you could still improve it by making it a 'within one month from original schedule' rule. I am sure a lot of people would thank you for that, because it gives equal chances fpr all games regarding reschedules
Edited by Crispy Chicken, 09 July 2016 - 04:01 PM.
Posted 12 July 2016 - 07:22 AM
Tina Benoit, on 08 July 2016 - 01:41 PM, said:
That's correct, matches officially scheduled on the July 30th should have submitted results by 31st. However teams have the ability to reschedule well in advance if the official scheduled time does not work for both teams.
Good to know.
We currently have a problem with one particular teaim which we are scheduled to meet up in early August (so after this new extended deadline

Edited by Rushin Roulette, 12 July 2016 - 07:23 AM.
Posted 14 July 2016 - 02:16 AM
problem is, if they want to be j*r*s you cannot force them to reschedule. Although it is rare for teams to refuse to reschedule if you contact them a few weeks in advance it does happen.
Posted 24 July 2016 - 11:40 AM
corection to my above statement: there are obviously a few teams out there that play on refusing to reschedule and play on raking in forced forefits ... I hope PGI is keeping its word and is taking measures against abuse of forced forefits as stated in the rules
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