After having gotten what I consider a "significant" number of sigs under my belt in this thread, I have decided to move to a new topic purely for ones I make. So here goes nothing. The outstanding sigs I still have in that thread will get done, but my focus is shifting mainly to this one.
I have come up with a form to make life for everyone easier, so there's less ambiguity. It is not required, but might make life a bit easier.
Name on sig: Y/n
Faction (if wanted): Y/N
Slogan (if wanted):
Mechs on sig (If wanted):
Hanyit Greyhame
Edit: For the people that are asking for sigs, I've been really busy recently, so don't have too much time to make these right now. Do make you request, though, and I will get on it when I can
Edited by Hanyit Greyhame, 04 February 2012 - 05:04 AM.