Players with more than 25 matches since 21 June: 23,572
Players with more than 50 matches since 21 June: 16,483 - Used this
Median Score: 203
Median KDR: 0.93
Median WLR: 1.0
Average Score: 198
Average KDR: 1.054
Average WLR: 1.0639
Highest match score is Victoria Seymore, match score of 637, 10.00 KDR, 4.21 WLR
Highest KDR is Zeleglok, match score 388, KDR 14.50, 7.57 WLR
Highest WLR is TwinkyOverlord, match score 365, KDR 9.71, WLR 24.67(!!! Next best is Aresye with 10.60)
Lowest match score is 8
Lowest KDR is 0 (Literally no kills), second best is 1/79
Lowest WLR is 0.09 (4 wins 47 losses) - Same guy as lowest match score (why.jpg)
My Stats are: Value (Rank) [Percentile]
Matchscore: 299 (621) [3.77%]
KDR: 2.77 (309) [1.87%]
WLR: 1.63 (830) [5.04%]
The entire table is on reddit. just download and cleanup. Due to formatting, numbers will appear as text, add an additional column next to the stat, and enter the formula:
Where A1 is the cell next to the column you want to clean up. Then double click on the bottom right corner to replicate the formula downwards to all cells. Copy all results from the new column and paste into the old column (right click, paste special, values), then you can delete your new column.
To filter less than X number of matches, use the following formula:
Then filter by "No", highlight and delete all "No" (Highlight entire row, hold shift+ctrl, press down, right click and delete) then unfilter, and play with the results.
Edited by KBurn85, 11 July 2016 - 04:46 PM.