I think at this point CW needs 2 sides.. (keep your allegiance) And the way holding planets would work, would be who ever had the most points after a certain time gets it.. (smaller factions could also hold planets too, under this system)
Basically, the way it would work is a vote happens, and the big clans goto war over a certain planet,, after that time zone, the planet is considered who ever side wins... (all lesser clans count)..
After that winner, another roll/vote is done, and another planet is choose,, say this time davion, and who ever.. a winner is choose, with the large groups from the previous match still counting, but this time they are supporting another house.
I could go on an on, but basically the idea is keep the system kinda, as you have all factions, but the wars durring certain time frames are for the sub factions.. with all people on that side playing for it.
so basically everyone is always fighting over one planet, but who votes, who plays during windows are what will effect them. Obviously balance, and time windows and such.. larger battles last days.. smaller squirmishes could last even hours, (6-12?) i dunno.. To me it would kinda be like a constant event, with everyone piling into the same cue.. but keeping the mech warrior faction feel..
Thoughts on this?

Clan Vs Is, Its Time All Fight For Battles?
Started by JC Daxion, Jul 16 2016 11:00 PM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 16 July 2016 - 11:00 PM
Posted 17 July 2016 - 12:28 AM
I've wanted it to be something like that forever. Main focus would be clan vs is but there could also be clan vs clan and is vs is at certain times or for events or always if there is enough players.
I would also put a MM in FP to try and get matches balanced.
And I think instead of holding planets you should be able to hold parts of planets or gain reputation/honor. These points would add up and that is how you would get bonus rewards. I also think I would make those points be based on how well you do in the matches and not just how many matches are won. I think that would work better for smaller teams since it wouldn't just be based on who can throw the most people at a planet to get all of the bonus.
I would also put a MM in FP to try and get matches balanced.
And I think instead of holding planets you should be able to hold parts of planets or gain reputation/honor. These points would add up and that is how you would get bonus rewards. I also think I would make those points be based on how well you do in the matches and not just how many matches are won. I think that would work better for smaller teams since it wouldn't just be based on who can throw the most people at a planet to get all of the bonus.
Posted 17 July 2016 - 04:03 PM
Yea, that is not a bad idea either.. a window where clan and IS attack each other periodically.. Obviously i didn't flesh out the entire way the holding of planets would work. But the basic concept instead of so many places to attack, it would get limited down to just a few, then those would rotate.
Perhaps a scheduled would be posted for the month, and show all the windows, so guilds could gear up, and make plans for attacks/defense and such. I think it could bring a lot more community interaction, but also just give people more chances at solid matches. An increase in both would be a good thing.
Perhaps a scheduled would be posted for the month, and show all the windows, so guilds could gear up, and make plans for attacks/defense and such. I think it could bring a lot more community interaction, but also just give people more chances at solid matches. An increase in both would be a good thing.
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