Baulven, on 17 July 2016 - 07:44 AM, said:
Just increase other mechs don't need things. The whole bonuses here minuses there is how we got this **** storm to begin with. You buff in cycles until the performance I on par.
I like Bishop's idea, but it again relies on PGI buffing the correct chassis. After all this time they still haven't shown much in their ability to recognize which mechs are actually good.
Acehilator, on 17 July 2016 - 07:47 AM, said:
Yeah, but still with the Dartboard of Doom. Case in Point: Blackjack, Quickdraw, severity of Warhammer/Marauder Nerfs. Still totally mindboggling.
I think the Warhammer (I don't own Marauders) was one of the more sensible changes PGI has made. I just bought them so I'd have some IS heavies for CW, and it was absolutely a performer. Not OP, but very strong, on par or even better than my Timbys in some ways. I'd argue one of the best of the heavies. I'm not a fan of power creep, so I like the idea of slightly toning down top tier mechs. And honestly, with lights getting the shaft on re-scale, they either needed some serious buffs or everything else needed a nerf, and losing extra agility is a good place to start. Especially on an already strong chassis.