Title: Viper Omnipods missing in mechlab
Description: When trying to purchase/change out omnipods none of them show up on the Omnipods tab in Mechlab when a Viper is selected
Location: Mechlab
Reproduction Rate: Every time
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Start MWO
2) Go to Mechlab
3) Select any Viper
4) Choose 'Loadout' screen
5) Select the Omniopod tab
6) It does not list any omnipods or even the section headings (Head, Right Arm, Left Arm, etc).
I restarted the client a couple of times. I went into and out of matches. I changed the weapon load outs. If I remove one of the omniopods on the Viper I have chosen, it will show up on the Omnipod tab, but only the ones that I drag there. I checked my other clan mechs and they all show the omnipods (owned and available for purchase) as expected.
In case it matters:
Windows 10, 64-bit