Bud Crue, on 22 July 2016 - 09:27 AM, said:
If we had your "contract stipulation" and instead of what we actually have: "BOB HAS BEEN AWARDED A GOODIE CRATE!" (or whatever it says), I'd probably be cool with it. With your idea the reward notice ought to say something like: "Mechwarrior Bob, for valor under fire, has been awarded first pick of the salvage from this battle" and then internally in Bob's mechlab the rest of your hypo would play out. With that sort of immersive mechanism I would probably have no issue. But without your active imagination, what we have instead is Bob and his goodie crate...and a subsequent game of slots. To me that is just kinda lame.
I don't really care about this fairly minor mechanism honestly, but it does show the laziness of devs in how they approach the game and suggests a direction for the game that I don't think many of us are real excited about. When apathy is the up side of something there is a problem.
There are White Knights still?
I'd prefer different text. I also pointed out this alternate interpretation in a post after supply crates were announced but not in game. The mechanism is IDENTICAL ... it all has to do with is spin ... unfortunately, if PGI has demonstrated one particular tragic flaw over the years, it has to be the utter and complete failure of the ability to communicate with their player base no matter what the medium.
Especially in a situation like these supply crates ... they COULD have been transparently fitted into the underlying lore of the game (contract rewards) ... rather than an arcade game approach (you win and get a special prize). LOL. It just makes me laugh (or possibly cry) that PGI is so bad at MW game design that they miss such a complete and obvious tie in that would increase immersion with absolutely NO significant cost other than changing message text ... sigh.