Talos7, on 28 July 2016 - 02:20 PM, said:
D V Devnull, on 28 July 2016 - 01:51 PM, said:
Pre-Review, 2016 July/August "Lights Fight Leaderboard and Personal Challenge Event" ---
Well, here I am again, so let's see what we've got.
<*checks Time Limits, Personal Challenges, and the Rewards*>
Well, I'm surprised. This time, I really can't complain about the event at all. In my opinion, PGI has finally made an Event that gets a Perfect Review from me, because it's not lacking anywhere. It has enough time provided for the Personal Challenge part of the Event. The Requirements to beat each part of the Personal Challenge look proper and reasonable within the Time Limits that have been provided. To complete the puzzle, PGI has provided Rewards equally fitting of each of the Personal Challenge's various parts. There are zero faults here, as far as I'm concerned. To PGI, I say this... Please maintain the formula for the Personal Challenges from this Event in future events of this type, for you have finally done it right.
As for me, I'll just simply see you all out on the battlefield.
Even though I do find the LeaderBoard part of this kind of Event to usually be a tad bloodthirsty, I'll probably try to take a swing at some point anyway. BTW, I'm going to bypass any kind of review for the LeaderBoard part of this Event exactly because of both that bloodthirstiness, and the fact of those having been locked in a certain formula for too long now. Those are simply supposed to be knock-down, drag-out, all-hell-bent-loose contests.
~Mr. D. V. "
Well done on the Personal Challenges, PGI! Everyone, I'll see you at the event!" Devnull
When did the forums start to get unofficial 'Yelp style' reviews of events?

Quite a few months ago, and I was likely the one to start it. PGI needed easy-to-read feedback to help them tune things, and I happened to be up to the challenge.
Unfortunately, I typed this last review while half-asleep, because I forgot to mention one other thing. That missed item is the knowledge that I feel with this correct tuning used on this Event, Active Player Retention will remain high enough during the event for the queue to not easily slow down at all, providing plenty of good matches for everyone. Provided that PGI sticks with this balance and formula in future such events, they should not see another Review from me with less than a Perfect Rating.
Now, something interesting...
Dee Eight, on 28 July 2016 - 04:30 PM, said:
I like the new progress status bar on the challenge goals.
I haven't seen this yet. I'll be looking for it. Thank you for the heads-up.
And then there's this...
Michal R, on 28 July 2016 - 11:30 PM, said:
I see a sad thing today.
One of the player help another to get bigger DMG.
I ask him on global chat why he helping him, and he said he want to he get bigger score.
He has 1 dmg on that game.
It is sad because 1 dmg players is a good player.
And the player who get that free dmg is always on top 5 on any event.
Sad very sad.
But Perfect Game Industry do nothing....like always.
You should use the Support Links to contact PGI, or open a thread in a more appropriate section of the MWO Forums about the matter. Failing those, you should contact a PGI Staff Member in-game through the appropriate methods. Make sure to provide info about the Match Round TimeStamp from the list of games recorded (
marked as "Your Games" on the Tournament Page) that you played in during this Event so far, as well as what Mechs you can remember being in the Round. Nobody is allowed to be trying to "game the system" during an event, and PGI has mentioned before that they frown on such behavior from players, to put it lightly. Maybe you can ask them to take action and make it easy while you do, instead of being vague about it here and trying to make them search through all the rounds that you played? Like, go, do it, NOW.
And as for me, I need to get myself out onto the battlefield already... Soooo overdue after spending some downtime... Who knows who I will see there...
~Mr. D. V. "
Alright... NOW I'M INBOUND!!!" Devnull