Wibbledtodeath, on 25 August 2016 - 04:27 AM, said:
Actually really great suggestions. Its a bit early though- needs to come after Power Draw is in place in a more solid form.
I am also not sure about exact numbers- so I voted "maybe". However, at the very least the basic premise is a very good one- I enjoy using flamers, but the "ghost heat" type issues with firing windows etc makes them unpredictable. Yours is an elegant solution.
I'm glad you like it. I'm perfectly fine if it comes towards the end of the Energy Draw PTS, or even shortly after it turns live. However, it really should be done.
Tiantara, on 25 August 2016 - 04:35 AM, said:
- No... Not until big gun was established by power and ED pool.
Care to elaborate? That remark really doesn't mean anything. What stipulations do you think it needs before the Flamer would be fixed? What solutions would you propose?
Sader325, on 25 August 2016 - 04:42 AM, said:
No. Flamers are great on live.
Great on live? Really? How so? They have convoluted and awkwardly implemented mechanics that are even less explained to the average player than Ghost Heat (at least in the Mech Lab you'll get a warning for equipping too many weapons that violate the Ghost Heat rules). Also, they have "magical free fire windows" that make zero sense in the grand scheme of things. The suggested fix -through bringing Flamers into Energy Draw- actually fixes all of the weapon's flaws from its current implementation and brings it into a much more controllable situation.
Please refine and give a bit more info on your logic. If you think they're great on live I'd love to know why.
Monkey Lover, on 25 August 2016 - 06:43 AM, said:
Bring them in and allow them to go over 100% heat on the other mech.
As much as I love the prospect of going over 100% heat (I overheated and overloaded a large number of mechs with my beloved Firestarter back in my TT RPG days) I'm not sure PGI could ever do it reasonably. The biggest concern is stun-locking through a pack of Flamer Mechs. As soon as you implement a weapon that could fully stun-lock and kill (even if other weapons were needed) then it'd cause no ends of problems for game balance.
Granted, if your teammates are there to save you, it isn't as much of a concern. Otherwise, any caught straggler or loner towards the end of the match could have a huge problem on their hands.
On the other hand . . . with the numbers I have set up you're never inflicting a massive amount of heat, so the levels of heat damage are far more controlled and controllable. Maybe, one day, we could possibly get Flamer reactor overloads on careless players? However, we'd need Flamers brought into Energy Draw, first, and fixed, before we could even see if it was possible. Regardless, I'm not personally against the concept, even if I don't think it'll happen.
Edited by Sereglach, 25 August 2016 - 07:53 AM.