I used to play SWTOR and we used a certain site(I forget the name.) It had the ability to show the exact load-out of your character and post it or link it. If this game would do this for their own site and link it to the forums or make an independent one link-able to accounts(like WOT replay) it would bea great help. The only reason I say link-able and independent is in case of discussions on steam and other websites. But the ability to quickly and easily show load-outs would be invaluable.
I'm looking to talk about one of my builds right now to get help on it. And I dread typeing out all of the specs.... So what are the odds?!
Mind you it could also be a place to display more information on how things work to help people figure out what to pic if desired.
Edited by Arugela, 27 August 2016 - 09:57 AM.