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[V3.1] Adapting Ed To Introduce The Tt Heat System

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#41 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted 26 August 2016 - 07:17 PM

View PostScarecrowES, on 26 August 2016 - 03:04 PM, said:

Adding a little heat to gauss is all you'd need to balance that weapon directly. I doubt anyone would find that offensive.

I don't disagree, but don't think that Gauss and PPC can't be combined on many mechs, even the heavier mediums can use them.

#42 Spleenslitta


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Posted 27 August 2016 - 03:17 AM

I like this idea Scarecrow. Especially mechs getting sluggish and the possibility of ammo explosions.
Ammo explosions would make players hesitate to use AC40, LRM80, 4x UAC5 and other builds that consume vast amounts of ammo.
I would prefer that we also had a Gyro bar that puts a limit on how much recoil from ballistic weapons a mech can take before it gets in trouble.
I got heaaaps of ideas for what could happen if a mech overloads the gyro.
This would be in addition to the TT heat system you suggest but i can't have everything i know....Anyhow...moving on.

Ammo explosions should have a higher chance of detonating when it's destroyed. 10% is so low it might as well not be there.

There are two abilities i would suggest to give flamers a role in your system.
1) Flamers could have an increased ability to heat up enemy mechs whose torso armor has been stripped.
Mark the fact that using several flamers should give lesser returns and maybe flamers should have a limit on how high it can drive enemy mechs heat.

2) Flamers could have increased chances to detonate ammo that is not protected by armor when compared to other weapons.

A few different abilities IS CASE can have as advantages over clan CASE. Not suggesting IS CASE to have all these abilities mind you.
1) IS CASE lowers ordinary weapons chances of detonating ammo protected by it.
2) IS CASE increases how high heat can be before ammo has a chance of detonating.

Edited by Spleenslitta, 27 August 2016 - 03:31 AM.

#43 ScarecrowES


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Posted 27 August 2016 - 10:12 AM

View PostQuicksilver Kalasa, on 26 August 2016 - 07:17 PM, said:

I don't disagree, but don't think that Gauss and PPC can't be combined on many mechs, even the heavier mediums can use them.

I'm sure they can... but how many of those are legitimate threats? This is one thing I could never understand about the hate for PPFLD. I know... the Poptart era was a nightmare of well-synced long-range strikes in every direction, but the game has come a long way since then. PPFLD just isn't the threat it used to be - there are only a handful of mechs that can pull off a PPFLD loadout that's really something that could ruin your day. And that's as it should be.

Though, if there's any advantage to my proposed system in terms of PPFLD, it's that it requires you to commit to it. You can't build the mech hot and expect the overblown heat scale currently in MWO to save you. I think this will hurt pure PPFLD builds on most mechs, but will help mixed builds.

View PostSpleenslitta, on 27 August 2016 - 03:17 AM, said:

I like this idea Scarecrow. Especially mechs getting sluggish and the possibility of ammo explosions.
Ammo explosions would make players hesitate to use AC40, LRM80, 4x UAC5 and other builds that consume vast amounts of ammo.
I would prefer that we also had a Gyro bar that puts a limit on how much recoil from ballistic weapons a mech can take before it gets in trouble.
I got heaaaps of ideas for what could happen if a mech overloads the gyro.
This would be in addition to the TT heat system you suggest but i can't have everything i know....Anyhow...moving on.

Ammo explosions should have a higher chance of detonating when it's destroyed. 10% is so low it might as well not be there.

There are two abilities i would suggest to give flamers a role in your system.
1) Flamers could have an increased ability to heat up enemy mechs whose torso armor has been stripped.
Mark the fact that using several flamers should give lesser returns and maybe flamers should have a limit on how high it can drive enemy mechs heat.

2) Flamers could have increased chances to detonate ammo that is not protected by armor when compared to other weapons.

A few different abilities IS CASE can have as advantages over clan CASE. Not suggesting IS CASE to have all these abilities mind you.
1) IS CASE lowers ordinary weapons chances of detonating ammo protected by it.
2) IS CASE increases how high heat can be before ammo has a chance of detonating.

I don't really use flamers on my mechs, so I'm not aware of any special mechanics of that weapon beyond merely adding heat to an enemy mech. Does it not have any crit-seeking abilities like MGs? I'm sure something like that could be added, but that's a bit outside the scope of the proposal.

What I can say, in relation to flamers in this proposal, is that they should be absolutely devastating under my system, as they were in TT - far more useful than in the current game.

Because the actual heat capacity of each mech is related to how it's built, most players will likely be building their mechs so that their output and capacity sync up. I figure most mechs around 1.2-1.3 heat management in the game now will probably sync well under the proposed system. I expect some players will even build a bit of extra capacity into their mechs for hot maps.

Still, with the lower heat cap, there is less room for extra heat to be applied, and that little heat means a lot more to the bottom line. Currently, because heat caps are so high, flamers are little more than an annoyance - only really harmful for mechs that run hot and operate at the edge of their heat scale anyway. Under my system, flamers are instantly useful. I'd expect these to become standard issue for light mechs and brawlers.

If you've got a heat cap of 20, and your weapons are using 18, moving is adding 2, and the environment is adding 2, you're adding a bit to your penalty bar with every shot anyway. If someone with a flamer comes along and takes 5 from your heat cap, you're going to find yourself facing major heat penalties. A lot more scary than under the current system

#44 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted 27 August 2016 - 04:51 PM

View PostScarecrowES, on 27 August 2016 - 10:12 AM, said:

I'm sure they can... but how many of those are legitimate threats?

Before ED? Quite a few, the Timby, Warhammer, and Kodiak were all notorious for ERPPC/Gauss combinations. You could do it on others as well but its hard to judge considering I've played with only the top meta. If people hadn't figured out that 2 ERPPC was better I almost would've said the Hunchback IIC as well.

#45 ScarecrowES


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Posted 27 August 2016 - 05:16 PM

View PostQuicksilver Kalasa, on 27 August 2016 - 04:51 PM, said:

Before ED? Quite a few, the Timby, Warhammer, and Kodiak were all notorious for ERPPC/Gauss combinations. You could do it on others as well but its hard to judge considering I've played with only the top meta. If people hadn't figured out that 2 ERPPC was better I almost would've said the Hunchback IIC as well.

That doesn't seem like many, and it's not much in my experience... it's a rare chassis and variant it can work on, and even then, there are always better options. We've seen that quite a few mediums that will do dual-PPC, but they have the mobility to make such a hot set of weapons work. Add a 15-ton gauss and ammo in there? Naw. I don't fear PPFLD. And, if we really need to put some restriction on this, the simple way is to address the gauss directly.

#46 ScarecrowES


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Posted 28 August 2016 - 05:36 PM

I've again modified my initial numbers to more closely match TT directly, specifically with respect to heat dissipation. Tabletop dissipation rates are 0.1pts of heat per second per heat sink, or the the equivalent of the mech's entire heat capacity for a turn of 10 seconds.

My intent with deviating from the variable rate in TT to a faster fixed rate was to give benefit to lighter mechs with a lower heat capacity, due to their using smaller weapons which cycle much faster in MWO than in TT. However, this appears to have had an unintended drawpack of giving some mechs that relied on an unusually large number of large, cool weapons a bit of benefit they wouldn't usually have.

As such, I've instituted a rate about double what TT allows for in the base heat capacity dissipation rate, while keeping the heat scale dissipation rate the same.

I feel that this may unduly punish light mechs, but more testing will be warranted to determine what impact this will have. It may be advantageous, if testing shows lighter mechs are harmed too much by this rate, but heavier mechs are found to be acceptable, to produce slightly different rates for different weight classes.

Thanks for all the feedback so far.

I now pose this question to the community. Light mechs rely on lighter-weight, faster-cycling weapons. A reduction in dissipation rates across the board may have adverse effects on these lighter mechs in terms of their DoT capability - it may hit light mechs hardest.

If testing shows that lighter mechs lost an amount of DoT capability that is deemed to be exceptionally harmful for those mechs, would a stepped rate for dissipation be acceptable?

#47 ScarecrowES


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Posted 28 August 2016 - 09:06 PM

Ugh... still not happy with the dissipation rate. In part, I think, because the current system has been so generous for so long that it's hard to just existing builds against stock builds and so on. Ultimately, I think there will have to be a universal rate for all mechs.

Was testing a 2x cLPL and 5x cERML TBR which gets about 2 alphas on live. It was getting a LOT more at the settings I had. I think the dissipation rate will have to be lower. I think I was timing about 6pts a second on the live servers. This is what I felt lights would need to be bumped up to before. I might retest at 6pts a second and see how that goes.

#48 ScarecrowES


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Posted 04 September 2016 - 12:31 AM

Initial testing shows promise at a dissipation rate of 6pts/sec. Gives a bit of a buff to mechs with low capacity, which should help lights most of all, but still keeps an acceptable rate for high-capacity mechs. I'll have to do more testing with this number to see if I like it...

But it brings up another concern... Do I keep a static dissipation rate for the heat penalty bar for all mechs, or do I have that one be different for each mech based on its capacity. There aren't a lot of mechs out there that run high-cap builds, but I fear that the rates of dissipation might still be too high to be punishing if we use direct heat cap to dissipation rates. I also fear that dissipation might be too slow for low-cap mechs. Like with base dissipation, I'm wondering if this shouldn't be a fixed amount somewhere between the two.

A rate of 3pts per second means full dissipation in 10 seconds at max rate. However, you won't ever be at max rate if you're still building heat, so this will be effectively slower while in combat. I think that might be a good rate. Slight buff for low cap, slight nerf for high cap. This will likely feel better, and a bit more similar to the fixed rates for all mechs in the current MWO heat system.

Effectively, though, caps will be lower overall, dissipate more slowly overall, and have actual penalties. Should give the checks against pure alphas and too-high burst damage we want without weird checks on how you build and play.

#49 Reno Blade


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Posted 06 September 2016 - 08:02 AM

Is this with change of dissipation or with the current (nearly) 2.0 DHS ?

Can someone provide the performance of a list of about 8-12 mechs (current meta or similar) with performance over a minute if considering a 30 point heat cap (or X# of DHS = Cap) with 2.0DHS (and maybe higher dissipation) ?

I think there were some extreme edge cases with the 30cap+increased dissipation (e.g. pumping 30 dmg per second or something) which made the idea very risky.

As far as I see with current speed of dissipation, a 30cap would reduce the gameplay by a lot more for hot weapons while cooler ones are nearly unaffected.
Basically giving low-heat daka the ability to keep firing, but any Energy build would shoot once every 10 seconds (e.g. like in TT).
This kind of imbalance is one of the reasons why we have a higher energy cap, isn't it?

If we had TT-like heat side-effects the whole heat cap could even be increased, as the side-effects could already start at 30% or 50% instead of flat 7 heat or 15 heat.

#50 ScarecrowES


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Posted 06 September 2016 - 03:25 PM

After significant testing, I think I'm going back to my original values for dissipation, which are the same values TT (and mostly MWO too)... 1/10th of a mech's heat capacity per second.

With more and more testing, the numbers the TT system uses, and MWO modifies very slightly, seem to work for the most comprehensive set of builds. And of course, not surprisingly, base performance is fundementally the same as we see in MWO right now, with a lot more control over sustainable damage.

I tend to like, certainly for mere easy of use, a direct conversion for heat cap (sinks x1 for SHS and x2 for DHS) and a direct heat dissipation rate of 1/10 capacity. This produces a rate where all mechs will dissipate their entire capacity at 10 seconds.

However, I'm not sure I like using this same rate for the heat penalty scale, which is how TT handles it. The 30pts of the penalty scale dissipates at the same max rate as the capacity scale. However, the practical dissipation rate is actually 0.1x (heat capacity - current heat value), so it can actually dissipate much more slowly if you're still using up your heat.

My concern is that mechs with high heat caps will find the heat penalty scale less punishing than mechs with lower heat caps because they'll spend less time suffering under penalties due to higher dissipation rates. I'm not sure to what degree this concern is valid, as MWO's heat scale features the same dissipation rate for the entire heat scale, and balance is fairly reasonable right now.

I feel there are two approaches that may have different pros and cons that we could use for dissipating the penalty scale. Both amounts represent the MAX penalty dissipation rate. Both rates would still vary by the standard reduction formula, and thus the practical dissipation rate depends on unused heat cap.

Variable Dissipation
  • Using the same base dissipation rate as the heat capacity dissipation rate
  • Pros: Maintains TT and current MWO base heat scale balance, Rewards investment into heat cap over firepower, may encourage players to devote more tonnage and crit space to heat sinks rather than weapons as a means to mitigate the harsh heat penalties of this system (further lowering damage output overall)
  • Cons: May inadvertently favor high-cap energy-based builds if weapon balance is well-established and unduly punish cooler-running builds.
Fixed Dissipation
  • Using a standard base dissipation rate of 3pts/sec for the penalty bar (equal to dissipating the entire bar in one 10-second turn)
  • Pros: Has a simpler synergy with the heat cap bar (both dissipate 10% per second at max rate) which makes it more intuitive, may favor low-cap builds (and especially those with under 15 DHS) while putting greater restraint (though not unmanagable) against high-cap builds like laser vomit.
  • Cons: May inadvertently buff certain fringe builds which run fairly cool at under a 30 heat cap. Removes some incentive to focus on cooling instead of firepower.
I'd like folks to test both with various builds across all spectrums and see which they like better.

#51 ScarecrowES


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Posted 07 September 2016 - 05:01 PM

Made some significant changes to the original post. Incorporated all current values into the post, and the proposed alternate values for the penalty scale dissipation.

Reconfigured the original post to include different layers of description, and included a TLDR "in brief" description for those who want a short run-down of the mechanics without a long explaination.

Also added a bit of history with a better explaination of the functional differences between the TT and MWO heat systems and their practical results. This should help dispel some confusion about the TT heat system and how it would actually work in MWO from a practical perspective.

As the heat capacity and dissipation rates are currently set to default TT values and the existing MWO values closely match these, I consider these parameters to be ready for prime time. Initial testing has shown that the system will handle builds fairly similarly to the current system, but with more lasting and punishing results for abuse. The lone exception may be for the alternate penalty scale dissipation rate, which I'd like to continue testing to see if it helps shift the balance point around a bit.

#52 Lancwen


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Posted 09 September 2016 - 02:50 AM

Nothing to add, but just wanted to say that I wish that PGI could read your work and make a PTS server with your system.

#53 ScarecrowES


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Posted 09 September 2016 - 10:58 AM

View PostLancwen, on 09 September 2016 - 02:50 AM, said:

Nothing to add, but just wanted to say that I wish that PGI could read your work and make a PTS server with your system.

I know they're keeping an eye on the PTS forum, for what it's worth. But I tend to think any ideas that fall outside the specific path they're trying to follow get looked at only once they walk down that path for awhile and finally find the dead end people always told them was there.

Take this recent faction play podcast, where ideas players have been advocating for over the course of years are finally being added to the game.

So there's little doubt we'll get a TT-style heat system. But sadly it may take a year of living under ED on the live servers to make that happen. A pity too, because everything needed to bring the TT system into the game is now there. 99% of the work is done.

#54 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted 09 September 2016 - 12:26 PM

View PostScarecrowES, on 09 September 2016 - 10:58 AM, said:

So there's little doubt we'll get a TT-style heat system.

There's a lot of doubt we'll get a TT-style system. It took a lot of backing to get things like ED and the FP changes (and the FP changes aren't really even the ones asked for) and the TT-style heat system doesn't have the large of a backing.

#55 ScarecrowES


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Posted 09 September 2016 - 01:02 PM

View PostQuicksilver Kalasa, on 09 September 2016 - 12:26 PM, said:

There's a lot of doubt we'll get a TT-style system. It took a lot of backing to get things like ED and the FP changes (and the FP changes aren't really even the ones asked for) and the TT-style heat system doesn't have the large of a backing.

Truthfully, ED never had any backing either. Almost nobody wanted it in the first place, and there isn't strong support for it now.

The point was more how PGI ends up always taking a long and convoluted path all the way back to the simplest way of doing things.

Rarely is it ever about what is the most supported, but what the game actually NEEDS to work. The TT system was designed to restrict BT weapons and build rules. Those builds and weapons need the TT system. Nothing else produced so far lives up even to the base level of TT competency in this regard.

#56 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted 09 September 2016 - 01:53 PM

View PostScarecrowES, on 09 September 2016 - 01:02 PM, said:

Truthfully, ED never had any backing either.

That's a lie, Homeless Bill's idea had a lot of support and it continued for a long time afterward. Yes, this may not be the exact same, but expecting it to be the same is naive especially given it is PGI.

#57 ScarecrowES


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Posted 09 September 2016 - 02:58 PM

View PostQuicksilver Kalasa, on 09 September 2016 - 01:53 PM, said:

That's a lie, Homeless Bill's idea had a lot of support and it continued for a long time afterward. Yes, this may not be the exact same, but expecting it to be the same is naive especially given it is PGI.

A LOT is an extreme exaggeration. Very few players were even AWARE of his original proposal, which is miles away from what ED is - It's almost never been discussed here on the official forums. And among those that were aware of it, it didn't have any higher a level of support than ED has, which is minimal if you look at the numbers.

You have a much higher percentage of support for some sort of convergence-based system - and this after years of debate despite the fact that it's widely known that such a system is impossible under MWO's coding.

#58 ScarecrowES


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Posted 09 September 2016 - 08:08 PM

Reposting this from another topic, as I feel it illustrates that there are a LOT of misconceptions as to how the TT system operates. This demonstrates how it ACTUALLY operates and how the results are different from MWO, while using MWO's weapon stats.

This post was in response to a comment about how it was possible to build heat neutral mechs in TT, and that it didn't require heat management, implying that it's not possible to build heat neutral mechs in MWO and heat managament is hard.

Repost is below

If you could only fire your weapons in MWO as frequently as in TT, the results would be exactly the same. Remember that every weapon cooldown in TT is 10 seconds. In MWO, it's anywhere between 2 seconds and 6 seconds.

Once you factor in skills, the complete heat cap in MWO is the same as in TT - 2x number of DHS. And the dissipation rate is the same as well - 1/10th heat capacity per second.

In TT, if you have 20 DHS, you've got a 40 heat cap + 30 penalty cap for 70 total heat.

In MWO, with skills, you'll end up with a 76.8 heat cap.

In TT, you'll have a 4pts/sec dissipation rate.

In MWO, with skills, you'll end up with a 3.91pts/sec dissipation rate.

Those numbers are within a few percent of each other, so let's pretend they're exactly the same.

The base reality of the heat system is that the time you spend cooling is the same for a given amount of damage no matter at what rate you do it. This is true in MWO and in TT. In TT, though, you're regulated to firing once every 10 seconds no matter what. So what happens when you can fire more quickly, as in MWO.

I fire 40pts of damage... let's use the PPC cooldown rate of 4 seconds.

I fire 4xPPCs for 40pts of heat. In TT, that is 100% of my heat cap, 0% of my penalty cap. In MWO, that's 57% of my heat cap.

I dissipate 4pts of heat per second over 4 seconds for 16 points of heat dissipated over the cycle of the PPCs. In TT, my heat cap is now at 24 of 40pts, or 60% heat, penalty cap at 0%. In MWO, my cap is at 34%

I fire immediately again, adding 40 heat to 24 heat for 64 heat. In TT this exceeds my heat cap, so I add 24 of 30 pts to my penalty meter too, 80%. I am penalized SEVERLY for carrying this level of heat. In MWO, I simply move up to 91% heat (64 of 70).

I dissipate 4pts of heat per second over 4 seconds for 16 points of heat dissipated over the cycle of the PPCs. In TT, my heat cap is now at 24 of 40pts, or 60% heat. In MWO, my cap is at 68% 48 of 70). However, the penalty bar in TT dissipates at a different rate than the heat cap bar. It dissipates at a rate of 1/10th of the UNUSED heat cap per second. We produced 16 unused cap over cooldown, averaged to 8 over the duration, which is a rate of 0.8 per second, or 3.2 points dissipated from the heat penalty bar. Thus, my penalty bar is only reduced to 20.8pts - 70%. I'm still receiving SEVERE penalties.

I fire immediately again, adding 40 heat to 24 heat for 64 heat (TT), or to 48 heat for 88 heat (MWO). In TT this exceeds my heat cap, so I add 24 of 30 pts to my penalty meter, which is at 20.8pts, for 44.8pts. Automatic shutdown exceeded by 14.8 pts.

In MWO, automatic shutdown exceeded by 18pts, which takes 4.5 seconds to dissipate back down to the max heat cap. It takes about 8.5 seconds for for the TT penalty bar to dissipate down to the max heat cap.

So as we can see... You actually get the SAME number of alphas in either system. That's because the only consideration to damage output over time is the heat of your weapons, the heat cap of your mech, and the rate of dissipation, which are basically the same in both TT and MWO.

As you can see, the practical difference between TT and MWO is penalties. In the above scenario, I was experiencing severe penalties after the second alpha, and continued to experience those penalties all the way through the return of shutdown (12.5 seconds) and well beyond. It would have taken another 12.5 seconds of not moving or firing at all to dissipate enough heat to no longer receive any penalties. If you were to have stopped firing immediately when you shut down, and did not fire again until all penalties were cleared, you will have experienced some level of heat penalty for a full 25 seconds.

The worst that happened under the MWO system is that you shut down for a few seconds. A few seconds later, you'd be firing again penalty-free. Under the TT system though, you'd be suffering to try to keep your damage up.

The heat system in TT hurts you a LOT more than the one in MWO. Simply put. In both systems, the total amount of damage you can put out compared to the total amount of time you spend cooling is EXACTLY the same, regardless of what MWO's cooldowns are set to.

End Repost

A further note here about how penalties will effect gameplay. As demonstrated above, even a fairly cool-running mech (here a 4xPPC mech that can alpha nearly 3 times at full rate) will potentially spend a LOT of time being effected by penalties if that player is pushing his mech as hard as MWO currently allows.

The demonstration above shows that within the 30-second timeframe described, the player spends a full 25 seconds receiving penalties. He's only fired his weapons 3 times over a roughly 9-second period at the beginning of the timeframe.

He reaches 80% on his penalty bar on the second shot (5 seconds in), and doesn't dip below 70% again until will after he's already shut down and has stopped firing for awhile.

The severity of the penalties he's receiving will be more debilitating by far than the amount of time that he's actually shut down (twice as long as in MWO currently). In fact, I would be willing to wager that fear of these penalties continuing will be much more incentive not to continue firing than the impending possibility of shutting down. Moreover, rather than merely letting enough heat dissipate to allow the player to fire again, this will actually incentivize the player actually backing off until his penalties are gone entirely.

These concepts will do more to significantly dial back player damage output than any system PGI has yet put up. And it accomplishes this without having heavy-handed limitations like ED does. Effectively, the system looks at damage (more specifically heat accumulation) over a longer period of time as well. Rather than taking a look at 1.5-second periods and trying to limit damage that way, it's taking the LONG view of combat - as the heat system was intended to do.

Moreover, we have an opportunity to introduce MECHANICS as a means to place limitations on certain types of damage output that do not interfere, in any way, with the normal function and stats of those weapons.

For instance... movement penalties will severely impact the viability of quick strike playstyles. Many people express a distaste for peek-and-poke play. Placing penalties on movement speed, acceleration, deceleration, and turning will make the process of moving back into safety after running up a high heat level much more difficult. It's much harder to run away. This impacts vomit and splat.

And loss of HUD functionality, sensor data, target lock, etc will almost certainly make long range "sniping" playstyles, like the dreaded PPFLD. Not having a reliable reticle makes it hard to make the quick, twitch adjustments necessary to make any pin-point truly lethal, especially over longer ranges. Loss of target lock makes use of LRMs and SSRMs strictly impossible.

This may well push players into mid-to-close range combat, and away from snipey, pokey playstyles. That means more straight-up fights... more brawling. And since the playstyles for which meta build optimization is heavily favored will take a bit of a hit, it may likely push players into builds which are more versatile and flexible over multiple ranges - IE mixed builds.

So as I've demonstrated, the TT system puts the sorts of limits on damage output that most players say they favor... not direct limits on alphas, but limits on total damage output over time. And moreover, the penalty system will encourage players to self-limit beyond merely what their heat status alone allows them to do. AND it encourages build diversity and places limitations on less desirable meta playstyles. And it does this without any heavy-handed mechanics and limitations.

THIS is the system we need.

#59 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted 10 September 2016 - 09:52 AM

View PostScarecrowES, on 09 September 2016 - 02:58 PM, said:

A LOT is an extreme exaggeration. Very few players were even AWARE of his original proposal, which is miles away from what ED is

A lot is not an extreme exaggeration, especially given it was plastered everywhere including reddit. Out of all the player ideas, it was the most supported.
As for being miles away, no, not really, the concept is still the same.

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Posted 10 September 2016 - 10:23 AM

View PostScarecrowES, on 09 September 2016 - 10:58 AM, said:

So there's little doubt we'll get a TT-style heat system. But sadly it may take a year of living under ED on the live servers to make that happen. A pity too, because everything needed to bring the TT system into the game is now there. 99% of the work is done.

It would'nt take too much time to set up a test for this system and there is not hurry for ED to go live, it is not a request by players.
So taking time to get the best system possible is not a waste of time and money...

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