Ever since PGI did there last clean out of hackers, they have slowly come back with new armor, aim-bot, wall-er, speed and damage hacks... I was thinking I just been over worked and tired lately but when I did a search to see if there where new cheats for the game my eyes woke up! I realize now that the game is infested with cheaters again and no one is moderating it! Doing a "once in a while clean up" doesn't work for us dedicated and honest players, trust me! This is beyond no fun! I spend way too much time to find an honest match, maybe about 1 out of 3 or 4 matches seem legit at best! I understand that PGI always works hard to bring us new content and in the last 5 years I have been proud of the stupid amount of money I have put into this investment, but what good is it if you don't moderate any game sessions/drops? Please start catching the cheaters, or at least keep them at bay.
I tried to open a support ticket, but it would seem the link wont work for me... So if a moderator could send this to support and have them contact me that would be great! I don't want to drag names into a public forum as the trolls seem well fed here! lol
My Pgi Support Ticket Links Are Broken! Pgi Help!
Started by SiR SockMonkeyDonkey, Aug 26 2016 02:39 PM
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