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3025 Design "mini-Marauder"

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#1 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 07 September 2016 - 01:27 PM

Work in Progress.

Re-purposing my take on the Project Phoenix Marauder to make a Light mech. Back story is it's a design submitted by GM when the Wolfhound Project was started. The goal was to make a mech that could reliably counter the Panthers of House Kurita.

GM downsized their Marauder Chassis, and added jump jets, with armor and movement profile matching the Panther. They also largely copied the Lord's Light PPC design, but moved it into the dorsal mount normally used for the Marauder's AC. For greater freedom of fire arcs at close range, they mounted it's secondary weapons systems in the arms, 2 Medium lasers in each, giving it better firepower at close range, and being much easier to bring to bear than the Panther's torso mounted missiles.

Also added were a pair of hands, to allow it better CQB capability and to be able to carry loot, and assist in other city/garrison tasks. Lastly, a 20mm chaingun was added just beneath the cockpit, to deal with any infantry that might be encountered in the urban settings the "mini MAD" was intended to operate.

While it proved a capable enough design, overall, it largely mimicked the capabilities of the Panther, and due to low ground speed simply did not have the tactical flexibility of the WLF-1. Once the contract was awarded to TharHes, GM cut their losses, having created only a dozen test models.

Disappointed to see his brain child end so ignominiously, the lead Engineer for the Project convinced his lead test pilot to help him misappropriate the prototypes in transit. Rumor has it they are in the Periphery looking for work using the spare prototypes as a stockpile of parts to keep the primary test mule operational.

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