Looks like KMDD for Inner Sphere aligned players is being counted under Clans KMDD. My unit is currently, aligned with Kurita. Perhaps this is just a display error and the correct rewards are being applied.
Clan Challenge
You must be aligned with a Clan Faction in order for your matches to contribute toward this component of the Challenge.
You must fight in a Clan vs. Inner Sphere battle for a match to count toward these goals.
Both Scouting and Invasion matches will count toward this component of the Challenge.
Cumulative --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Goals Current Total----Reward
In a Clan 'Mech achieve a KMDD against 10 Inner Sphere Light 'Mechs --- 2 of 10 -------------- Rec Room Speaker
In a Clan 'Mech achieve a KMDD against 10 Inner Sphere Medium 'Mechs --- 5 of 10 ------------ Viper Warhorn
In a Clan 'Mech achieve a KMDD against 10 Inner Sphere Heavy 'Mechs --- 0 of 10 -------------- Clan Dagger Warhorn
In a Clan 'Mech achieve a KMDD against 10 Inner Sphere Assault 'Mechs --- 0 of 10 -------------- Kodiak Warhorn
* Complete the Clan Challenge along with the Invasion and Scouting Mode Challenges to earn the Executioner EXE-C and a MechBay.
Edit: Noticed that the website for the event is properly displaying results from matches and rewards. Thanks!
Edited by Tekamen, 09 September 2016 - 07:27 PM.