Anyways as i played the game, i noticed that UAC is somewhat more used than normal AC, i don't even see any good trait to pick the normal AC over UAC. Is there even good point to pick AC to UAC? they have smaller critical slot requirement, and you can simply just not double-shoot to not jam, then again in emergencies you can choose to doubleshoot if you want to.
Now here's what i think should happen; make it so that C-UAC is to staring-down, while C-AC is for hit-and-run. That means that the C-AC would function like the IS version of shooting only a single slug than multiple ones. And as per "Clan-flavor", what if it has longer range but slower projectile, and higher impulse?
For the C-UAC, to further enhance it's stare-down role, what if it has faster projectile? After all, that multiple projectiles that divides the damage is already somewhat hard to hit.
Lastly, as for the UACs, it would be nice if the UAC2 and UAC5 would rotate every shot, after all it's a gatling gun. Also change the UAC20s model to have like that of the UAC5 but has 5 barrels instead, and also spin, after all it shoots far more than other UACs.
What do you think? is UAC/AC division fine as it is? Could it work as i suggested? Or you have a different idea of how it should work.
Also let's talk about AC20 -- 140 total damage, and with that heavy weapon to begin with it's not going to have lots and lots of ammo. I advocate the ammo/ton to 8 from 7, and damage/ton from 140 to 160, mainly because of the tonnage and crit-slot demanding weapon, its already hard to put ammo in the first place.
Relatively Stock UM-R60L
Look at the Urbanmech for example, yeah AC20 isn't really a good build to begin with, but another shot is a god-send that would allow it to be a bit more useful.
I never found the AC20 that useful, mainly because of it's short range and immense heat, as well as low ammo amount. I actually tried it on my King-Crab since it's the stock loadout, but i found it rather distasteful that you have to get closer, when it's already hard enough to get close.
What i propose is that the maximum range of the ACs, starting at the AC2, to AC20 would have an incrementing multiplier starting from 2x, to 3x of the AC20.
(U)AC2 = 720m - 1440m
(U)AC5 = 620m - 1240m
(U)AC10 = 450m - 900m
(U)AC20 = 270m - 540m
All of the ACs have 2x of minimum range as maximum range, but i propose an adjustment.
(U)AC2 (2x) = 720m - 1440m
(U)AC5 (2.1667x) = 620m - 1343.354m
(U)AC10 (2.4444x) = 450m - 1100m
(U)AC20 (3x) = 270m - 810m
This is so that the ACs aren't that much left out in terms of range, if one can land a shot. Still the AC 10s and 20s are rather short compared to most weapons, and with slow projectile speed of 950 and 650 respectively, in itself already hindered at long range.
What are your thoughts?
Edited by The6thMessenger, 12 September 2016 - 10:14 PM.