Now we've been looking at range, jam chance, jam duration, pellet count, heat, cooldown and energy draw, but we're not addressing the main issue - Double Damage.
Since we're at the PTS stage of iterating things, a few suggestions might smoothen out the UAC experience while still emulating the jamming in some way. Numbers are arbitrary.
Suggestion 1: Remove double tap option, increase damage of UAC burst by 25%, increase CD.
- This will turn the UAC into a burst weapon at the expense of DPS.
- IS UAC/5 can have an extra pellet that does 2.50 damage shot after the first OR each pellet does 3.75 damage when you tap fire.
- Increase CD of the weapon by an appropriate amount.
- Increase ammo of the weapon by an appropriate amount (to make up for lost damage).
- In essence, the IS UAC/5 deals 6,.25 (if we go with 25% more) damage in a 2 shot burst and could have a CD increase of 25%-35% over the regular AC/5. Similar adjustments to clan UACs.
- Jam is removed, but emulated by longer CD.
- This way it's more controlled. You get a slightly higher burst when double tapping at the cost of incurring a 2-3x increase on CD or a huge spike in Energy Draw or both.
- This allows players to retain control of their damage and they know they are effed if they double tap at the wrong time.
- Again, this makes the UAC a burst weapon over a DPS weapon as any attempt to use the extra damage will be met by longer CD and/or ED.
- Reducing the amount of damage that the 'double tap' does allows PGI to use more moderate (and less restrictive/unfun) mechanics to balance it out.
Since MWO is an alternative universe of sorts, let's just say people are more practical here and don't go the extra OMGDAMAGES! and moderate the UACs so it doesn't randomly conk out on you during a fight.
Edited by Elizander, 16 September 2016 - 09:31 AM.