It began like this:

It is done, all enemies have been faced all fights have been fought! We now go home to our families resting, recovering, celebrating.
The barrels have cooled down, reactors are vented and the piantjobs are about to be refurbished. But this doesn't mean we are gone! We are looking forward to see all of you again on the battlefield either solo or grouped, pugging or in FW.
The 1st Company of Blue Vengeance: Naglfars Journey is proud to annouce:
Also, we are proud of completing this tournament without having to give a single match away!
We would like to thank each and every one of you who dealt with us in this tournament. There were great matches, with every possible outcome. Whipes were both, given and received as well as everything in between.
Thanks to every player we had the honour to shoot at, thanks to all from PGI for calling to arms and doing the organization for this tournament and EVEN BIGGER THANKS TO THE REFS FROM THE COMMUNITY, who did an awesome job, and were so much commited to the whole project and had to bear an unexpected loss in their team during this tournament (O7 Myrmi).
and so it ends...

Edited by Cyrilis, 15 September 2016 - 12:16 PM.