After spending some time messing around in the PTS, I have some words to share about the changes being made. Lots of words! All the words! Big ones, small ones, nice ones, foul ones! Words for days!
Anywho, I am going to break this post up into sections, each featuring a summary of my views with a spoiler containing details for those of you who Want to Know More ™.

The sections will be as follows:
1. Heat Management Fundamentals
2. Energy Draw and You
3. Lasers for Sweet Justice
4. Bright Ideas for a Brighter Future
So much many much space and so little to say! Wait...strike that...reverse it, on we go!
1. Heat and Damage Fundamentals
Before I go into my views on the PTS, I think we need to set the stage and talk about heat management. There are no spoilers in this section, this is all critical.
Heat management is a central component to MechWarrior: Online (henceforth MWO). You fire weapons, they deal damage to your enemy and they deal heat to you. It serves to limit the ability to tear faces off so that other players of lesser skill can have a greater chance of success against such amazing killbots as yourselves. It does this in two ways:
A.) Heat capacity - limits the total heat you can accumulate
B.) Heat dissipation - limits the maximum sustainable rate of heat generation.
More powerful weapons generate more heat. By association, heat cap will limit the amount of damage I can do in a shot while dissipation will limit the number of times I can pull the trigger at maximum cycle. Seems simple enough, awesome. We're done.
Not so fast, sparky!
Damage is not always dealt instantly. When it is, we call it Front-loaded Damage (FLD). When it isn't, we...well, we don't have a special name for it so let's call it Duration Damage (DD). Because heat generation is tied directly to how damage is dealt, this means that there is Front-loaded Heat (often referred to as "spike heat") and Duration Heat. In easy-speak: the faster damage exits the weapon, the faster the heat gets pumped into your heat-sinks.
Weapons that deal damage and heat instantly are:
- All PPCs
- Inner Sphere AC and UAC
- All LB-X AC
- All lasers
- Clan AC and UAC
- Flamers
- Dissipation is more important than heat-capacity per unit since it increases the amount of heat/damage a Duration weapon can deal before hitting the cap.
2. Heat, "Energy Draw," and You
Energy draw is not limiting alpha strikes to any meaningful degree. Adding a split second to my total exposure time to stagger a pair of Medium Pulse Lasers with six Medium Lasers on a BJ-1X or six Medium Lasers with a pair of Large Pulse/PPC on a Rifleman is not a significant change. Even if I do a proper alpha-strike, the penalty combined with the faster dissipation masks the changes to the point where I don't handle my 'Mech any differently than I did before.
While I think that this problem can be alleviated by reducing the heat capacity or increasing the time it takes the energy bar to re-fill, I'm not sure that it should. A lot of 'Mechs are entirely dependent upon energy weapons to be effective, especially Lights, and further reductions in those two categories impacts them disproportionately. Furthemore, because a reduction in alpha puts a greater emphasis on DPS, all energy-dependent 'Mechs are at a disadvantage compared to 'Mechs capable of bringing mixed builds with ballistics or missiles at all range brackets with few exceptions (i.e. Nova with 12x cERSL at close range). Sure, we can tweak the ballistics and missiles, too, but then we have to worry about the well-being of those 'Mechs which are compulsory missile and/or ballistic boats, too. How many weapons changes are you, PGI, willing to make to get this version of Energy Draw fair and functional?
3. Lasers for Sweet Justice
I see that PGI is making a lot of changes to lasers. This is fantastic, I hope this means you guys are open to suggestions, because many of us have spent a lot of time and effort analyzing and brain-storming what would work while preserving the "flavor" of each faction's stuff.
A few quick notes about the changes in the PTS, though I do hope you take the time to read the spoiler below:
- Inner Sphere Small Lasers cycle far too slow for the amount of damage they deal and the range they have; there are zero 'Mechs where Small Lasers are a good idea.
- Inner Sphere Small Pulse fire too slow as well, but not to the same degree and they are at least somewhat useful on a handful of 'Mechs (LCT-3M/1E, FS9-A/K/S), though it is usually better to just bring Medium Lasers
- Medium Pulse (and its Clan counterpart) don't synchronize with anything anymore, meaning they won't be chosen very often because they also eat up resources quickly when building 'Mechs.
- Clan ER Large Laser and Clan Large Pulse are too similar; they deal the same damage for the same heat with a negligible difference in beam duration. This makes the cERLL flatly superior.
- Inner Sphere Large Laser and ER Large Laser are also too similar; the only difference is one heat and, with increased dissipation, it doesn't make a difference. It is superior to take the ER Large Laser every time, which is the same problem we had when both were doing 9 damage over 1 second almost two years ago now.
4. Bright Ideas for a Brighter Future
I think the current form of Energy Draw can work, but I do not like how forced it feels and I do not like how counter-intuitive it is that a conventional ballistic weapon should have the same "draw" as an energy weapon. I think a better way to spin the system would be to assign every energy intensive weapon (lasers, PPCs, and Gauss) a "draw" value that is applied against the Energy pool when they go on cool-down, and the penalty for using up all of the pool is to the cool-down time on all of the weapons. For example:
I have an energy pool of 10. The Large Pulse Laser has a draw of 8, which it applies against the pool for as long as it is on cool-down, which let's say is 2 seconds. If I fire one LPL, I consume 8 energy. I'm fine and it cycles in two seconds. If I fire two LPL, 16 points are deducted from my pool for 2 seconds, but I only have 10 points. That means it applies 5 points to each Large Pulse rather than the 8 it needs, so instead of cycling in 2 seconds it requires 3.2 to cycle (2 seconds divided by (5/8)). If I go on penalty with different types of weapons, those with shorter cool-downs will be removed from the pool when they finish and the rest of them will speed up in response up to whatever their minimum cool-down is.
Obviously, we need to use larger numbers for better granularity and more dramatic effect, but this solves multiple problems.
- Alpha strikes will not be quickly repeatable
- Hard-point starved 'Mechs no longer need a cool-down reduction quirk to become useful since all energy weapons will have naturally shorter cool-downs
- Energy-dependent 'Mechs can use their one effective tool without shutting down every shot.
- Mixed builds are encouraged, as ballistic/missile DPS can complement energy bursts.
Other concerns and/or ideas that could be interesting:
That's all for now, thank you for reading.

Edited by Yeonne Greene, 18 September 2016 - 09:55 AM.