It now takes IS defenders longer to get from Drop Zone to Omega than it does for Clan attackers to open the gate and reach Omega due to the speed differential between the mechs.
The secondary issue of putting them so close to the gates is you can now farm the drop zone even easier given 2 of them are closer together/so close to the gates. You can just reinforce at will and let the slaughter begin with zero chance the opposition can regroup as you've farmed an entire 2 waves of people in seconds (if you get into that position of course).
It would've been a far smarter idea to flatten some hills a tad around F9 and have the DZs all along the 9 line, one square apart. Leaving enough distance so that a gate/omega can't be rushed as easily and also the DZ cannot be farmed because it's just outside the gates.
Come on, seriously, who thought this was a good idea? It's going to make PUG players dislike the mode even further with such a shortsighted "fix" like this. It would be better off going back to the OLD map and just turning Gen2 around until a proper DZ fix (as per above) is put in place.
The secondary issue of putting them so close to the gates is you can now farm the drop zone even easier given 2 of them are closer together/so close to the gates. You can just reinforce at will and let the slaughter begin with zero chance the opposition can regroup as you've farmed an entire 2 waves of people in seconds (if you get into that position of course).
Edited by justcallme A S H, 22 September 2016 - 01:44 PM.