The first caveat is that we have run the numbers on the often-requested "flat 30" Heat Threshold value, and have subsequently concluded that this value would be too restrictive - even with full Double Heat Sink Dissipation rates - to be practical for builds heavily focused around Energy weaponry.
I have a simple question for you PGI... you have been tinkering with numbers left and right since this energy draw public test went live. How is it that you have come to the conclusion that the 'flat 30' would be impractical for heavily focused energy builds?
Aren't those the exact kind of builds that you are trying to tamp down a bit? It would seem logical to me that you would at least try the flat 30 system with tweaked energy weapon numbers before outright dismissing the idea.
I only ask this because, as we get deeper into the Public Test and the different versions of the system, it seems to me that we are going in a convoluted direction that may ultimately prove impossible for newer players to pick up and understand, whereas a simple heat scale with increasingly detrimental heat penalties would seem more intuitive to me.
I think you guys are stuck in a mode of thinking that says heat neutral Mechs are bad. They are not... the heat scale penalty area should be a punishing place to be after losing Mech performance due to extensive damage or by having pushed the Mech too far with an alpha strike too many. You don't constantly have to play in an overheat situation to make the game exciting... that will come near the mid-point of the match when attrition and damage start to take hold.
At least let us test it out before we totally abandon the concept.
*** I should note that my version of heat threshold would be best described as Mech heat sinks [dissipation per unit of time] plus a 30 heat cushion that the Mech can overheat by... a red zone if you will... where the Mech would suffer heat related penalties while within that range. I misinterpreted the term, applying it to the hard 30 heat of the overheat penalty. Sorry for any confusion, but the OP still stands as far as questioning why PGI would abandon a viable option so out of hand, it seems. Thanks to Scarecrow for pointing out my misunderstanding/misinterpretation of the use of term.***
Edited by StaggerCheck, 23 September 2016 - 06:35 AM.