- All cooldowns were reduced and cooldown modules nerfed. Quirks will probably be reduced as well.
- Laser vomit lost one of their only advantage - high alpha.
- Large Lasers lost their second advantage - noticeably higher damage per point of heat, compared to heat based FLD weapons like PPCs.
- Gauss max range reduced from 3x to 2x. This is important because Gauss is now much worse at what it supposed to be good at AND it has low dps. FLD and velocity are still there though, but will it be enough?
- You can now fire 3 PPCs simultaneously.
- cERPPC doesn't pair well with other weapons due to odd "ghost energy" draw value
- U/AC5s cooldown nefed further, it has more or less the same dps as U/AC2 now.
- UAC5s now have higher jam chance and slightly higher jam duration
- UAC2s have lower jam duration but still the same jam chance so since they fire more often they will trigger more jam "checks"
- Bigger UACs have 8 sec jam now
- You can fire 3 UAC10s without penalty though.
- SRM spread was slightly increased. This is still important because SRM effectiveness is a function of how big your target (and its hitboxes) is.
My prediction:
- 3x UAC10 Kodiaks (with TC5) and Night Gyrs will remain to be strong.
- 2x cERPPC HBK IIC and Nova poptarts lost nothing
- Splat builds didn't lose too much either. You can generate "ghost energy" while you fire cSPL and by the time you're done firing lasers you can fire SRMs
- Same trick can work with 4x cERML + 2x Gauss Night Gyr. Gauss is no longer good for extreme range sniping (IMO) but it might work well when coupled with cERMLs (for more dps) at mid to long ranges.
- IS dakka lost too much dps IMO. AC5s weren't even good unless you boated them in high numbers.
- Pub queue might be filled with 3 PPC builds.
- Battlemasters can fire 2 ER/LLs and then another 4 almost immediately afterwards but you're still doing only 48 damage that can be rolled and you generate massive amounts of heat in the process. And that's one of the best laser boat mechs that ever existed in MWO. Speaks volumes about how effective lasers will be on other chassis.
- And IS LPLs are garbage now.
- A joke build, but it might work in pub queue: 8 cMPL TBR/EBJ/EXE, fire in groups of 4, 64 damage total. Yes you can spread damage but the whole point is to piss off people who praise ED for curbing down "laser vomit". That is if you care enough. I don't. I only tested it and I think it has a "potential".
P.S. I'm not a comp player, I mean, I like to win but still, take what I say with a grain of salt. Hell, I wouldn't consider myself a tier one player, just as you wouldn't if you knew my stats.
Edited by kapusta11, 04 October 2016 - 10:07 PM.