OK - this is for Metus...you are the expert for attack chopper tactics.
I have spend some hours ??? planing the YellowJacket as mentioned I have issues with the placement of the GaussRifle.
To have it in a kind of turret, like the "original" CBT model seemed like a bad idea.
The Gauss Coils are high volatile minor damage might cause them to explode ripping the helicopter into pieces.
So i tried the Ka52 approach with the gauss in the flank, another experiment placed it into a second tail, another placed it in the center - with the two cockpits on either side - last not least to modify the gauss from a single barrel into 4 smaller accelerators that converge on target. (AC feeling)
However, in the end i realized that i didn't have an idea how a Yellow Jacket tactic would look like.
A typical armament of a Yellow Jacket might include some mast mounted sight system for spotting
some yellow jacket might take the data to fire some seeker missiles in top-attack mode.

the sophisticated active and passive defense systems of a mech might swat them out of air - but at least they would make the mekpilots to look the other way.
the 4th Yellow Jacket however comes from the other direction -
shortly before the obstacles he pulls up the gauss in the "turret" might already be in a position to fire -
the gauss fires as soon as it comes "free" maybe this manoeuvre is automatically and not human operated - similar to the very old "dive recovery system" of the Ju87.
The gunnery officer chooses a target from the "spotter" - when ready they push the button and the Yellow Jacket flies on auto. it climbs in a multi g maneuver - fires the gauss and to pull back into cover in a measure of seconds.
Of course, the Gauss could also be "fixed" mounted - but I think the time the Yellow Jacket is visible is much longer.
So it's not about armor and to keep the gauss in a location where it is safe - but to avoid to get hit by a mix of teamwork, technic, and tactics.
Edited by Karl Streiger, 24 March 2017 - 03:29 AM.