07:00, August 28th, New Caledonia
Urban Tactical Joint Operations
Day 21
There are only four of us left, out of the 20 of us that landed here twenty days ago. This was supposed to be a short simple mission. I do not know how much longer the four of us can last. Our mechs have made it this far but our minds our turning on us. This is a wasteland. What are we doing here? The previous wars and battles have left this planet in shambles. Everywhere you look there is death and rock. By the name of it, New Caledonia sounds thriving but thats not true. Its dust and rock and we have not seen any source of water. Maybe once it was thriving. There are city's here. Uninhabited at that.
We have been waiting at our extraction point for 2 days now. Comms are silent. Marcello Donnici is our comm guy. I have never seen him like this. He is losing his mind. He has come a long way since his younger years in the Federated Suns. His Rifleman has been a god send to our unit. Although he bequeathed the mech from his Grandfather, he is a damn good pilot. You usually dont see Combat Controllers piloting a Rifleman. Hopefully we get a signal soon.
Jonas Saunders was with House Davion for half his life. He was forced to take his leave before coming to UTJO and i am damn sure glad he is with us. Out of all the pilots i have met, he is the best damn Catapult Pilot ever. Equipped with 4 sets of Lrm 20'S and 2 med pulse lasers. He was the reason were still alive. 2 Days ago there were 20 of us. We had landed on this planet to take over a small mercenary unit which had captured one of our own. Demanding a very large amount of C-Bills we agreed to pay up in exchange for our pilot. Of course we were not going to pay but instead kill all of them. What we didnt know was that they were supported by a larger force. Most of New Caledonia is uninhabited. Before we landed we scanned most of the surface for Enemy Territory and didnt come up with much except the Mercenary base we intended on overtaking. This was a rescue mission gone horribly wrong.
When we landed we split up into two lances. Alpha came from behind and Bravo stood about 350 meters infront of the base. The Enemys mech bay doors opened. And out came our hostage and a man stood behind him with a pistol to his head. Right before i could blink he pulled the trigger. Blowing brains all over the dirt. We opened fire on the base. The poor ******* was ripped to shreds from our fire. Then out of nowhere without warning on our HUD system, Three lances dropped from the sky 400 meters to our northwest. I had never seen a drop ship so fast and so quiet. Why did we have no warning? Our comms had been cut off. Still didnt add up. Our HUD system should of picked something up.
Lrms came raining down crashing into Bravo lance. Bright PPC rounds pounded into Alpha. I was piloting my Ebon Jaguar-A Variant and let loose my Dual C-Ultra-AC 10s. I cut an enemy raven in half, followed by an explosions. Bits of steel clanked onto my cockpit. I looked to my right and saw our Atlas being circled by two odd looking Locusts. I turned and carefully aimed my AC'S. It was going to be tough not to knick the Atlas. Comms finally came through...." ...COME IN.....COME IN....ca.....you.....me....." Marcello screamed into the comms, trying to get a read. "Come in this is Marcello Donnici, where the hell were you guys? WERE BEING OUT NUMBERED." As the static ringed through my ears i opened fire on the Locusts turning them into balls of smoking steel. The Atlas shuttered and powered down. Smoke pumed from its legs.
Just then when i thought things couldnt get worse, i noticed a flicker of light followed by trails of dust off to my left. Another enemy lance was on the way. We still were in the middle of a fire fight. I had not noticed how many we had lost yet and my mind was racing. Jonas turned his catapult towards the incoming lance. Jonas was about to launch a hailstorm of LRMs on the enemy when he was pounded in the chest with an AC 20. It knocked him side ways as he launched his weapons. The sound of four large thuds echoed through my cockpit. Dirt flew into my cockpit view followed by a blinding flash of light. Then an explosions to my right knocked me side ways. The Atlas was gone. Jonas screamed through the comms. "You ******* ********!" I alligned my EBJ-A and caught an enemy Grasshopper 200 meters to my left. Bright blue lasers shot out of the Grasshopper exploding into another of our own. I had not been able to keep up with how many we had lost but i knew we had lost too many. I unloaded my autocannons along with my two large pulse lasers into the torso of the grasshopper until it was embedded into the rock. This is where i blacked out.
Part 2 coming soon

Journal Log #1 New Caledonia
Started by FuzzyNova, Oct 07 2016 06:48 AM
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