Hey all! Welp, I promised I'd offer up another contest soon and I still intend to deliver on that promise.
However, for a long time my biggest issues with contests in general have been:
1.) The limitation of the types of entries (an ART contest, a WRITING contest, etc.)
2.) The limitation of development within a story. (sometimes 2500 words isnt enough to delve into a character or event)
3.) Each entry is its own bubble with little impact or interaction from one another.
With these in mind, I want to give you guys the option here.
I have a new contest theme in mind that is a campaign event. There are 3 factions fighting over control of a planet, and you must choose one of them to side with and create a story based on the side chosen. For fun, our faction leaders will be....well lets just say they should all be familiar faces that you can easily decide who to fight for or against.After a time, I'll pause the entries, a selection of winners will be chosen, and then the story updated to match as close as possible with the entries provided (the winners of each faction get priority). Writings, characters, even artwork of the daily drive could all go to determining the next step fo the fight! There is even a possibility of using characters (with permission) from across several stories if the chance comes up! To keep the story from being stale, the winners of the previous contest become the judges for the next, so that we have people cycling in and out. As long as there's interest, the overall story can keep going as well. The end result is not just a contest but an entire battle for a planet that the community has created.
That said, I do realize this is a fairly-involved idea, so I wanted to offer it as a possibility rather than jumping straight to it. Please let me know what you think or if their are any questions about this!

6 replies to this topic
Posted 24 June 2016 - 06:58 AM
Posted 24 June 2016 - 09:07 AM
I like the idea. Seems like it would create a far more dynamic and enriched story than the simple one-shot story contests did, because while they're good reads, they're also fairly boring to blow through due to a lack of length and continuity and development as you mentioned before.
I believe this has some really nice potential here, though. Think about it:
Each different stage could give the "victor" some sort of bonus in the next "round". For example, making each faction (let's say they're a lance each so 4 people) do posts prior to battle about their training regimen or preparations before fighting, and then give the one most prepared a little leg up in the story (for example, forcing each participant in the other factions to allow their MechWarrior to be intimidated in their posts once each when facing said prepared faction)
Not anything fancy, as you don't want to just have one side steamroll with advantages, but rather, it gives the other "less prepared" factions a chance to really make a shiny, nice post when their MechWarrior freaks out so hard over the giant atlas that he cuts, runs, and ends up rerouting to an accidental flanking position behind a squishier mech. Ya know?
This allows a nice, flowing timeline and the judges can even pick up on it and decide in favor of such a move if it's totally and unequivocally well-written in and the enemy in question didn't mention something like checking his sensors or ground tremor unit, and instead unloaded all his guns on someone. Welp, now he's flanked from behind! In this sense it might be a good idea to have all the posts submitted prior to deciding a round and in private, that way they can be jumbled into a sort of "timeline of events" by the judges and reposted as the next part of the story.
There's a lot of potential to a round-based contest too, where it might be staged something like this:
Preparation -> Engagement -> Tactics -> Pursue -> Victory!
Most prepared warriors intimidate their foes, most "hits" scored give suppression advantage, most thought-out tactics cause others to retreat, most mechs surviving wins!
In this way, faction 1 might enter most prepared, and the other two factions must be intimidated, end up fighting defensively, say faction 2 focuses on faction 1 for intimidating them, so faction 3 blasts up both factions 1 and 2, suppressing them, eventually leading to fac 1/2 retreat, while faction 3 hunts them down with their faster, lighter mechs, and win! Victory to faction 3. Make sense? Of course this is just one example of a "scenario" that might play out. Call it urban combat scenario #1!
More examples:
DropShip landing -> Scouting -> Engagement -> Long-range advantage -> Destruction -> Victory!
Solaris VII start -> trading blows -> on the hunt -> go for the gold -> Victory!
Longer ones:
Patrol -> Rescue other lances -> Fall back -> Regroup/repair -> assault -> destroy objective -> retreat before reinforcements -> Victory!
Preparation -> Night Deployment -> Hunt 'em down -> Engagement -> Unseen enemy -> Tactical withdraw -> Counterassault -> Victory!
I believe this has some really nice potential here, though. Think about it:
Each different stage could give the "victor" some sort of bonus in the next "round". For example, making each faction (let's say they're a lance each so 4 people) do posts prior to battle about their training regimen or preparations before fighting, and then give the one most prepared a little leg up in the story (for example, forcing each participant in the other factions to allow their MechWarrior to be intimidated in their posts once each when facing said prepared faction)
Not anything fancy, as you don't want to just have one side steamroll with advantages, but rather, it gives the other "less prepared" factions a chance to really make a shiny, nice post when their MechWarrior freaks out so hard over the giant atlas that he cuts, runs, and ends up rerouting to an accidental flanking position behind a squishier mech. Ya know?
This allows a nice, flowing timeline and the judges can even pick up on it and decide in favor of such a move if it's totally and unequivocally well-written in and the enemy in question didn't mention something like checking his sensors or ground tremor unit, and instead unloaded all his guns on someone. Welp, now he's flanked from behind! In this sense it might be a good idea to have all the posts submitted prior to deciding a round and in private, that way they can be jumbled into a sort of "timeline of events" by the judges and reposted as the next part of the story.
There's a lot of potential to a round-based contest too, where it might be staged something like this:
Preparation -> Engagement -> Tactics -> Pursue -> Victory!
Most prepared warriors intimidate their foes, most "hits" scored give suppression advantage, most thought-out tactics cause others to retreat, most mechs surviving wins!
In this way, faction 1 might enter most prepared, and the other two factions must be intimidated, end up fighting defensively, say faction 2 focuses on faction 1 for intimidating them, so faction 3 blasts up both factions 1 and 2, suppressing them, eventually leading to fac 1/2 retreat, while faction 3 hunts them down with their faster, lighter mechs, and win! Victory to faction 3. Make sense? Of course this is just one example of a "scenario" that might play out. Call it urban combat scenario #1!
More examples:
DropShip landing -> Scouting -> Engagement -> Long-range advantage -> Destruction -> Victory!
Solaris VII start -> trading blows -> on the hunt -> go for the gold -> Victory!
Longer ones:
Patrol -> Rescue other lances -> Fall back -> Regroup/repair -> assault -> destroy objective -> retreat before reinforcements -> Victory!
Preparation -> Night Deployment -> Hunt 'em down -> Engagement -> Unseen enemy -> Tactical withdraw -> Counterassault -> Victory!
Posted 27 June 2016 - 07:19 AM
To provide a bit more information, the planet I have lined up perfectly situation for this type of conflict. There will be a Clan side, an Allied Mercenary Side, and a local House lod side. The House Lord isn't a major holder on the planet, but it is their home, and they don't like trespassers. The Allied Mercenaries answer to few and that does -not- include the local lord. Lastly is a particular Clan, whose early successes are now marred by frustrations both from the rising resistance of the Inner Sphere as well as the pressure from other Clans seeking to steal its glory for their own. Both sides will be limited at first to roughly a battalion of strength as all assume a swift victory in their favor. Should that falter, however, who knows just how far all sides will go to win?
In the wars to come, this planet will become a linchpin for all sides.
Honor, glory, and lives are all at stake here. (I admit, this is a bit grandiose, but bear with me).
Will two forces begrudgingly agree to cooperate in order to hold off an enemy that seeks to overwhelm them both?
Hampered on multiple fronts, with a clear goal suddenly in site, just how far will a Clan push itself to accomplish this victory?
In the wars to come, this planet will become a linchpin for all sides.
Honor, glory, and lives are all at stake here. (I admit, this is a bit grandiose, but bear with me).
Will two forces begrudgingly agree to cooperate in order to hold off an enemy that seeks to overwhelm them both?
Hampered on multiple fronts, with a clear goal suddenly in site, just how far will a Clan push itself to accomplish this victory?
Posted 08 July 2016 - 07:32 PM
Would releasing information help to garner interest? If so I'll release the planet info and 1 faction of choice! Let me know your thoughts, concerns, and/or suggestions!
Edited by Aranzor, 08 July 2016 - 07:33 PM.
Posted 13 July 2016 - 12:07 PM
Planetary Data
Planet: Fort Loudon
Capital: Palos (Anderssen)
Moons: 1 (Precis)
Gravity: 1.0
Historical Information: First colonized in 2460 as LC/T-2395, the planet's name was later changed in honor Captain Calvin Loudon. While a steady source for both material and natural resources vital to other systems, the planet serves largely as a staging ground in times of war. This is not only because of the planet's location within the Lyran border, but also because of the massive Castle Brian, named Fortress Loudon, that was constructed here in 2581. It is said that the fortress's defenses are nigh impregnable when fully manned, boasting both firepower and heavy shelter to hold against even the most dedicated of invasions. Even at the height of the Draconis Combine's might, never once did DCMS forces even attempt to strike within this system. The relative peace and creation of the buffer state of the Free Rasalhague Republic has weakened the planet's value in recent years, however. Today the planet is defended by only a relatively small local force, including a regular rotation of assorted mercenary contingents.
Geographical Information: Much like Terra, water covers the bulk of the planet's surface, with only a remaining 20% of land available for colonization. However, the planet's relative distance to the system's sun also makes the planet far warmer than Terra by as much as 15*C along the planet's equator. The three major continents, linked by two massive strings of islands, can all be found on one half of the planet, leaving the other half rarely utilized save for scientific expeditions.
The largest continent is called Tunisonda. Though ringed by a mountain chain that stretches along roughly two-thirds of the continent, the land within is mostly flat and highly fertile, leading to much of the continent becoming the planet's breadbasket. The necessity for such a large region is shown only during times of war, during which producers are able quadruple their output for the influx of forces both on planet and heading offworld. There is some speculation that this could be further boosted for an even larger force, but the Lyrans are still working on the logistics of just how to best accomplish this, given the limitation of the system's sole safe jump point being located several days out from the planet.
Opposite of Tunisonda and nearly half of the supercontinent's size, the continent of Anderssen holds almost 70% of the planet's entire population. Numerous factories for mining and refinement of material can be found throughout this land and has kept the planet prosperous between wars. Unlike the other two continents, the entirety of Anderssen can be found closer to the northern pole of the planet, lowering the temperature to more regularly tolerable levels. A line of major cities can be found around the coast of the land, but the planetary capital, Palos, is located near the center of the continent, not far from some of the first platinum mines.
The last and smallest continent is Brunei, which can be found just to the south of the equator, between the two larger continents. Enormous mountain ranges matted with patches of jungle that span the entirety of the continent's body. The treacherous conditions of this land would make it nearly uninhabitable if not for the enormous Castle Brian that was built into its largest western range. A network of underground rail systems link this fortress to several planetary cannons, military spaceports, and outposts littered about the continent to provide both a defense to repel invasion as well as provide protection for those working to maintain and repair these facilities.
Population Information: The majority of the planet's wealth and population can be found around the major cities of Anderssen. Whereas Palos has long remained the political and business center of the planet, nine super cities along the coastal region have flourished over the years thanks to a mixture of both interplanetary trade as well as comfort offered to offworlders. By contrast Tunisonda has a relatively low populace spread through the interior of the continent, with most villages being far spread and a few large key family groups leading each township. There is even a small nomadic herding group along the continent's most southern region. Brunei's population is virtually nonexistent, with the exceptions being a mixed contingent of reserve forces maintaining Fortress Loudon and a cadre of scientists either studying the facility for further insights or exploring the thick mesh of jungles surrounding it. It has been often joked that one would find more people on any one of these islands between continents than the whole of Brunei.
Military Information: The local military has been largely downsized or mothballed in recent years, with planetary forces dotting the countryside about the inhabited regions of the two major continents and a notable reserve stowed away within the environmentally controlled underground of Fortress Loudon. As the years have grown, further detriment to these forces have left few battlemechs in the planet's direct control, with the bulk of its forces being a mixture of aerospace and armor, both of which of are far easier to maintain and pilot. The exceptions to this are the House Mercenary force of Tempest Blade, and the newly-arrived Allied Mercenaries.
Planet: Fort Loudon
Capital: Palos (Anderssen)
Moons: 1 (Precis)
Gravity: 1.0
Historical Information: First colonized in 2460 as LC/T-2395, the planet's name was later changed in honor Captain Calvin Loudon. While a steady source for both material and natural resources vital to other systems, the planet serves largely as a staging ground in times of war. This is not only because of the planet's location within the Lyran border, but also because of the massive Castle Brian, named Fortress Loudon, that was constructed here in 2581. It is said that the fortress's defenses are nigh impregnable when fully manned, boasting both firepower and heavy shelter to hold against even the most dedicated of invasions. Even at the height of the Draconis Combine's might, never once did DCMS forces even attempt to strike within this system. The relative peace and creation of the buffer state of the Free Rasalhague Republic has weakened the planet's value in recent years, however. Today the planet is defended by only a relatively small local force, including a regular rotation of assorted mercenary contingents.
Geographical Information: Much like Terra, water covers the bulk of the planet's surface, with only a remaining 20% of land available for colonization. However, the planet's relative distance to the system's sun also makes the planet far warmer than Terra by as much as 15*C along the planet's equator. The three major continents, linked by two massive strings of islands, can all be found on one half of the planet, leaving the other half rarely utilized save for scientific expeditions.
The largest continent is called Tunisonda. Though ringed by a mountain chain that stretches along roughly two-thirds of the continent, the land within is mostly flat and highly fertile, leading to much of the continent becoming the planet's breadbasket. The necessity for such a large region is shown only during times of war, during which producers are able quadruple their output for the influx of forces both on planet and heading offworld. There is some speculation that this could be further boosted for an even larger force, but the Lyrans are still working on the logistics of just how to best accomplish this, given the limitation of the system's sole safe jump point being located several days out from the planet.
Opposite of Tunisonda and nearly half of the supercontinent's size, the continent of Anderssen holds almost 70% of the planet's entire population. Numerous factories for mining and refinement of material can be found throughout this land and has kept the planet prosperous between wars. Unlike the other two continents, the entirety of Anderssen can be found closer to the northern pole of the planet, lowering the temperature to more regularly tolerable levels. A line of major cities can be found around the coast of the land, but the planetary capital, Palos, is located near the center of the continent, not far from some of the first platinum mines.
The last and smallest continent is Brunei, which can be found just to the south of the equator, between the two larger continents. Enormous mountain ranges matted with patches of jungle that span the entirety of the continent's body. The treacherous conditions of this land would make it nearly uninhabitable if not for the enormous Castle Brian that was built into its largest western range. A network of underground rail systems link this fortress to several planetary cannons, military spaceports, and outposts littered about the continent to provide both a defense to repel invasion as well as provide protection for those working to maintain and repair these facilities.
Population Information: The majority of the planet's wealth and population can be found around the major cities of Anderssen. Whereas Palos has long remained the political and business center of the planet, nine super cities along the coastal region have flourished over the years thanks to a mixture of both interplanetary trade as well as comfort offered to offworlders. By contrast Tunisonda has a relatively low populace spread through the interior of the continent, with most villages being far spread and a few large key family groups leading each township. There is even a small nomadic herding group along the continent's most southern region. Brunei's population is virtually nonexistent, with the exceptions being a mixed contingent of reserve forces maintaining Fortress Loudon and a cadre of scientists either studying the facility for further insights or exploring the thick mesh of jungles surrounding it. It has been often joked that one would find more people on any one of these islands between continents than the whole of Brunei.
Military Information: The local military has been largely downsized or mothballed in recent years, with planetary forces dotting the countryside about the inhabited regions of the two major continents and a notable reserve stowed away within the environmentally controlled underground of Fortress Loudon. As the years have grown, further detriment to these forces have left few battlemechs in the planet's direct control, with the bulk of its forces being a mixture of aerospace and armor, both of which of are far easier to maintain and pilot. The exceptions to this are the House Mercenary force of Tempest Blade, and the newly-arrived Allied Mercenaries.
Posted 21 July 2016 - 11:35 AM
Guessing I'll put this on hold for now as there doesn't appear to be as much interest for it as I'd hoped. I still want to run another contest but will rethink my options to ensure the next suggestion gets the proper interest/support it needs.
Posted 14 September 2016 - 08:15 PM
Aranzor, on 21 July 2016 - 11:35 AM, said:
Guessing I'll put this on hold for now as there doesn't appear to be as much interest for it as I'd hoped. I still want to run another contest but will rethink my options to ensure the next suggestion gets the proper interest/support it needs.
Sorry man, busy year. Between Battleborn, Fallout 4, DooM, and now No Man's Sky, and a waning (temporarily) interest in MWO, I haven't been around much. Gonna look into remedying that soon, though. I think. Hope. W/E.
ANYHOO, a contest would be righteous. If I had something to be able to contribute, even some spare time/effort, I'd gladly offer that up. At the moment, work is pretty demanding in terms of overtime and general will to deal with anyone outside of my immediate household.
Anyhow, I'm all for the contest thing, if/when you get around to it.
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