DAYLEET, on 15 October 2016 - 11:57 AM, said:
Mostly Thats a good thing. One of the most frustrating thing with the townhall was having them answer the for the ten millionth time the same question again and again(ammo swap & dumping, as7 eye, quads, mg) Does it really satisfy you to hear again that mg's are fine and in a good place right now? Some were trully avoided but for the most part it was just reiteration and Russ dont need anyone asking the same thing to reiterate something 3 times explaining it 3 different way with the same freakin result at the end with some rambling in between, we were going nowhere fast most of the times. He needed to get concise and learn to say "i answered that already, which part of "we arent doing that" do you not get?".
I disagree, actually. I think NGNG picked the wrong questions all the time. Instead of asking about ammo swap, MGs and the other things I mentioned, the bad, repetitive questions were mosty like this:
"Can we get the Mad Cat Mk II?" "Yes, eventually. No ETA."
"Will you make more maps?" "Yes, eventually. No ETA."
"Will we have more game modes?" "Yes, eventually. No ETA."
"Can we have more Hellbringer variants?" Yes, eventually. No ETA."
"May we have other weapons and tech? Arrow IV?" "Yes, eventually. No ETA."
And the important balance issues (e.g. hoverjets) should have been brought up every time, because Russ seemed oblivious to a number of things we kind of took for granted that he was aware of.
I believe I've watched every Town Hall there ever was, and I've written summaries for 2 or 3 of them and posted them here. I don't recall Atlas Glowing eyes being mentioned a single time. Buffing MGs may have been mentioned once, but it was not a recurring question, to my recollection. I do remember it was spammed in chat and ignored a lot though.