Quicksilver Kalasa, on 14 October 2016 - 04:04 PM, said:
I get the power of JJs, you don't need 8 JJs to get that power though. There are very few moments where I'm like "Thank god I have 8 JJs"
When piloting a Vyper, you should thank for your 8 JJ's after every Jump.
HPG? jump the giant wall to engage or escape.
Torumaline? every rocky dune its your playground to flank and disapear.
Crimson? Feel like VyperMan Jumping from rooftoop to rooftop and then strike from above, just to desapear again behind the next big terrain provided cover.
Now, if you dont like the idea of having to go an extra mile (sometimes literally) to Flank, then jump backshot, disapear and repeat... well, the Vyper its not for you.
Its an under-armored and under-armed for its weigth and class, but it has an insane maneuverabilty capacity, so much that it is almost in its own detriment, as many newcomers to the mech will have a really hard time measuring jumps and landings.
I love my vypers, and I honestly dont believe that they are useless, granted, i wont be making KMDD every match, but fam, i have a lot more fun when im in one of those