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Rubberbanding, Hit While Behind Walls, Stuck On Invisible Rocks, And The Damned Siren

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#1 Flying


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Posted 20 October 2016 - 05:48 AM

I like the general idea of the new version of the map, but...

1: It's almost impossible for me to see anything, even with brightness and gamma tweaked to the n'th degree

2: I keep getting stuck on invisible rocks.

3: I seem to have a lot of problems with getting hit while completely behind cover (i.e. I'm getting hit in the CT for a good few seconds after moving completely into full - like a whole mountain - cover)

4: even with a 25 ping I'm seeing a lot of rubberbanding, Mechs teleporting, and really, really bad hit registration - far more so then on the other maps.

5: Every other game that damned dropshop horn blares for the whole match. I can't take it - from now on I'm going to have to disconnect from the match or start screaming.

... aside from that, the map is pretty nice.

#2 ShadowProphet


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Posted 19 November 2016 - 09:51 PM

PGI stop bringing new map mech or other stuff, fix the rubberbanding problem first!
And don't point to hardware, grafic setup or ISP! It is a server problem. Based on the time or events the game becomes unplayable!
I love the game, but today i had problems aiming with lrms! Unplayable and it is not a new problem!

#3 Void Angel


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Posted 22 November 2016 - 11:30 AM

Well, Shadow, there are different programming specialties involved in map work and fixing the game engine - so you're effectively telling PGI to stop buying food or paying the utility bills until they fix the squeak in the door hinges. One thing does not preclude the other - you can have them all.

And second, since most people are not apparently having your problem, it is your system, whether you like it or not. It may be a solvable problem, but to even find that out, you'll need to submit bug reports to support.

Edited by Void Angel, 22 November 2016 - 11:32 AM.

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