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So Uhhh, I Think It's Cool!

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#1 Omaha


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Posted 22 October 2016 - 01:25 PM

Trump came to Gettysburg Today, and I got to shake his hand! Hahhaha sorry it's a crazy political race happening. I just thought that was cool. Not many big names get to this famous lil town.

#2 Omaha


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Posted 22 October 2016 - 07:56 PM

Yeah I think just the fact he came here I think show's some of his character, paying his respects to the many that gave their lives to freedom. He could of skipped this town of 8k, and went on to bigger cities. But he didn't.

It's really a scary time here in USA now, with all of this and the stuff happening with Russia, and in other countries. I hope whatever happens, whoever is elected. We all stay safe, us in USA, and in every country.

I'm really glad our father kept his security pass to raven rock, and we live 3 miles away. When he delivered turkeys for Round Hill. You guys should look that place up sometime. I've actually been inside! It's got a lake inside!

#3 Omaha


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Posted 22 October 2016 - 09:17 PM

Yeah it's hard to trust any politician I think. Due to the nature of their job. It's not like there was some magic ray of sunshine, and rainbows when I met him or anything. I didn't pass out, or scream we love you on live tv either lol.

Though some guys actually did, scream we love you. Haha I was cracking up. But yeah I do like some of the things Trump wants to do in office. Terms in congress, and protecting 2nd amendment.

So uhhh is it just me or does Trump strike anyone as a Christopher Walken, in his mannerisms, and speech?

LOL Just youtubed it! Looks like others see it too. HAHA! Sweet!

HAHA OMG FUNNY VIDEO! Well I guess it may not be so funny, but it's a good edit!

Can't forget this one either! Hope this is how he cleans the swamp! lol

Sorry my last political post xD But I thought this one was done pretty well. There's as much good video out there on Trump as there is bad I guess.

Same thing on Hillary just as much bad video as good. It's a hard choice this round!

Edited by Omaha, 22 October 2016 - 10:14 PM.

#4 Omaha


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Posted 23 October 2016 - 11:08 AM

Hey Marack, Do you have links to any information regarding "For every right he is planning to "protect" he is planning on revoking 3 more." I'd be very interested in reading it. I'm still undecided really, but was leaning Trump. Been reading up on both candidates.

That sounded similar to his plans regarding trade and economic regulations, and not the rights of the constitution. I guess some of those regulations may bleed into constitutional rights. I gotta find more information, to make a decision this year.

I do feel though that this election is prolly the most important, and everyone should go and read up and make a decision. Because it's a choice of the lesser of 2 evils i thinks.

I do find Hillary's views toward Russia a little unsettling, and that scares me.

Edited by Omaha, 23 October 2016 - 11:14 AM.

#5 Omaha


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Posted 23 October 2016 - 11:22 AM

Thx man!

#6 XxXAbsolutZeroXxX


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Posted 24 October 2016 - 09:49 AM

I'm keeping track of the elections.

The media, FBI heads, fact check websites and many paid celebrities are shilling out for Hillary. At least 3 journalists who tried to portray an unbiased perspective were fired or lost their jobs. Dr. Drew's tv show was cancelled for looking at the facts & admitting Hillary could have serious health issues.

Hillary is making the same false promises that Barack Obama made in 2008 and 2012. Fix healthcare. Stabilize the middle east & bring the troops home. Raise taxes on the wealthy. Obama didn't fulfill any of the promises he made in the 8 years he was in office.

Bill Clinton could have been the worst President we've ever had. He gave north korea nuclear weapons. He repealed the glass steagall act which played an integral part in allowing the economic crisis of 2008. He signed the telecommunications act of 1996 which allowed 6 corporations to own and control more than 90% of the mainstream media. He promoted NAFTA which heavily damaged the US economy in favor of international interests.. When Clinton's term as President came to an end they robbed the white house of furniture and vandalized it.

We won't need another Clinton in the white house. Especially not one who had their classified emails under subpoena, deleted them all, then had crooked FBI offer them immunity from prosecution.

For exposition, this is awful & represents only the tip of the iceberg in terms of how bad of an option Hillary is. But it is also a good place to start for anyone wanting a fair perspective on things.

Almost everything negative the media says about Trump is ********. Hillary supporters talk about racism, arrogance -- a neverending stream of metaphysical psychobabble nonsense to avoid the real issues facing americans today like taxes, the economy the job market, education and so on.

Nothing is more unhinged and insane than Hillary and her globalist supporters wanting war with nuclear russia. Of course Bill Clinton gave nuclear weapons to north korea. So its not like unhinged and insane doesn't run in their family.

#7 Omaha


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Posted 24 October 2016 - 12:41 PM

So... xD How bout Evan from Utah! Go Evan!

#8 XxXAbsolutZeroXxX


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Posted 24 October 2016 - 01:00 PM

I wonder what people think drone strikes do right now in the middle east where blowing up innocent arab families with hellfire missiles, to target terrorists, is acceptable collateral damage. Trump wants to murder innocent arab families? Yeah. Obama and Hillary have already been doing that for the past 10+ years bro. If you look into Trump's actual quotations, you'll see the media has a strong tendency to quote him out of context. If Trump says: "we will terminate ISIS with extreme prejudice". The media twists that into: "Trump wants to murder innocent arab families". Somehow the left never notices. They never look at details or facts. They simply believe whatever silly things the media tells them. That's what makes things hard & prevents hope of progress.

Woodrow Wilson and Bill Clinton were the worst Presidents the united states has ever had. You could never find other Presidents having records of directly arming america's enemies with nuclear weapons. Or repealing glass steagall -- the safety measure put in place to prevent another great depression. You could never find any President that did things anywhere near that bad.

#9 Akhri Mala


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Posted 24 October 2016 - 01:19 PM

View PostI Zeratul I, on 24 October 2016 - 01:00 PM, said:

If Trump says: "we will terminate ISIS with extreme prejudice". The media twists that into: "Trump wants to murder innocent arab families". Somehow the left never notices. They never look at details or facts. They simply believe whatever silly things the media tells them. That's what makes things hard & prevents hope of progress.

I'm sorry but you are claiming that he didn't say this when he is ON VIDEO saying it:

#10 XxXAbsolutZeroXxX


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Posted 24 October 2016 - 01:26 PM

View PostAkhri Mala, on 24 October 2016 - 01:19 PM, said:

I'm sorry but you are claiming that he didn't say this when he is ON VIDEO saying it:

He said he'll target terrorist families.

Nowhere did he say anything about targeting the families of innocents like the media claims.

#11 XxXAbsolutZeroXxX


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Posted 24 October 2016 - 01:45 PM

Terrorist organizations are like organized crime.

Its common for sons and daughters to be groomed to take over the family business.

If you don't think Osama Bin Laden's sons are involved in terrorism/organized crime. Plotting revenge for the death of their father. I don't think you should be discussing this topic -- you're too far out of your element.

What Trump is suggesting is more or less the standard for how governments deal with organized crime/terrorist organizations. Those often are family run businesses. With targeting one member of the family the other members take it over. So sadly they do target the whole family.

That precedent goes as far back as The Godfather where Vito Corleone had to leave his home country as he was the son of organized crime. That might as well be rocket science to some of you.

#12 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 24 October 2016 - 04:30 PM

Read this elsewhere.

It is like we are the children of divorced parents and we really just want to go live with grandparents or an aunt or uncle...:)

#13 OnLashoc


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Posted 24 October 2016 - 04:49 PM

Crap I thought this was going to be about MWO.

I know off topic, but thread title is misleading.

Total bummer.

#14 Omaha


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Posted 24 October 2016 - 07:15 PM

Yeah uhh I dunno if Granpa Microsoft is sitting too well with me either atm. LOL

Win10 for me has been getting stuck into airplane mode, and i have no wifi adapter, and on a desktop.

Edited by Omaha, 24 October 2016 - 07:15 PM.

#15 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 25 October 2016 - 02:39 AM

[mod]Even if this thread did not become a mess, we don't need political discussions here. Please use other forums for that. Thank you. Thread closed.[/mod]

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