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Mwo Stock Mode

BattleMechs Loadout

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#41 BWS2K


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Posted 22 November 2016 - 02:59 PM

This looks rad and I fully support it. I can't make that timeslot though. Happy Gaming! ;)

#42 Odanan


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Posted 22 November 2016 - 06:23 PM

We had a blast yesterday. It looks like there will be a stock IS lance championship next Sunday.

#43 Kmieciu


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Posted 24 November 2016 - 09:29 AM

View PostOdanan, on 28 October 2016 - 04:44 AM, said:

Stock mode with no quirks or modules feels just like pure Battletech - if you are a TT fan, you must try it.

It's exactly like TT except pinpont convergence and hitboxes instead of dice rolls, different armor values, different weapon damage range and cooldown, different ammo count, different heat scale and heatsink stats, different crital hit system , different jump jet behaviour, different sensors...
Wait a minute.
There are more differences then similarities, actually.

#44 Odanan


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Posted 24 November 2016 - 03:11 PM

View PostKmieciu, on 24 November 2016 - 09:29 AM, said:

It's exactly like TT except pinpont convergence and hitboxes instead of dice rolls, different armor values, different weapon damage range and cooldown, different ammo count, different heat scale and heatsink stats, different crital hit system , different jump jet behaviour, different sensors...
Wait a minute.
There are more differences then similarities, actually.

You are inside the mech cockpit (instead of moving minis in a table top) - if you forgive that huge difference, all those you listed above are minimal.

#45 Rekkon


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Posted 25 November 2016 - 08:22 AM

If anyone here might be interested in participating in a stock mech campaign, please check out this thread. If you would only be interested if it included Inner Sphere mechs/factions, please feel free to post that sentiment on my thread too.

#46 Odanan


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Posted 27 November 2016 - 08:00 AM

View PostRekkon, on 25 November 2016 - 08:22 AM, said:

If anyone here might be interested in participating in a stock mech campaign, please check out this thread. If you would only be interested if it included Inner Sphere mechs/factions, please feel free to post that sentiment on my thread too.

Yes, yes, yes!

#47 Thomas Hogarth


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Posted 06 December 2016 - 03:23 AM

Is there any possibility of this becoming an official mode?

#48 Odanan


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Posted 06 December 2016 - 03:56 AM

View PostThomas Hogarth, on 06 December 2016 - 03:23 AM, said:

Is there any possibility of this becoming an official mode?

I don't think the population is large enough...

#49 Steinar Bergstol


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Posted 06 December 2016 - 04:46 AM

View PostOdanan, on 06 December 2016 - 03:56 AM, said:

I don't think the population is large enough...

Whenever he's been asked about Stock as an official queue mode that's pretty much been Russ' response. That it would fragment the population too much.

#50 Jaeger Gonzo


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Posted 06 December 2016 - 02:04 PM

View PostOdanan, on 06 December 2016 - 03:56 AM, said:

I don't think the population is large enough...

Is quiet hard to people to play it, be cause of time difference or whatever, as I am huge fun of Stock Mode I can`t really join events as much as I would like to. Once people will try Stock they will play it, actually almost everybody that I spoke with that played it, like it very much. I suppose Stock Mode population would be better then dead FW. Not to mention that Stock Mode is actually the only thing that can provoke some to comeback.

By the way. I know they said there will be no MP in MW5, but how about Stock MP? Anyone? With normal lobbys etc.

Edited by Jaeger Gonzo, 06 December 2016 - 02:04 PM.

#51 Odanan


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Posted 06 December 2016 - 02:48 PM

View PostJaeger Gonzo, on 06 December 2016 - 02:04 PM, said:

Is quiet hard to people to play it, be cause of time difference or whatever, as I am huge fun of Stock Mode I can`t really join events as much as I would like to. Once people will try Stock they will play it, actually almost everybody that I spoke with that played it, like it very much. I suppose Stock Mode population would be better then dead FW. Not to mention that Stock Mode is actually the only thing that can provoke some to comeback.

By the way. I know they said there will be no MP in MW5, but how about Stock MP? Anyone? With normal lobbys etc.

As far as I know, the "Solaris" Steiner Coliseum map running in MechCon was native stock.

#52 Rekkon


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 06:27 AM

That almost certainly was for administrative convenience. Someone said the stations could not leave the lobby and thus could not access the mechbay for customization. They had to choose from the available mechs, and PGI just unlocked all/most stock mechs for each Solaris account. Plus if you allow the players to customize, everything will take a lot longer.

#53 Jaeger Gonzo


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 02:29 PM

View PostOdanan, on 06 December 2016 - 02:48 PM, said:

As far as I know, the "Solaris" Steiner Coliseum map running in MechCon was native stock.

So rry Im not following that much lately, Solaris will be MWO feature of MW5?

#54 Odanan


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 02:45 PM

View PostJaeger Gonzo, on 07 December 2016 - 02:29 PM, said:

So rry Im not following that much lately, Solaris will be MWO feature of MW5?

We don't know if there will be Solaris in the MW5, but we do know that game is singleplayer only.

#55 darthJaeger


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Posted 08 December 2016 - 01:04 AM

I'll add a Stock mode competition to nwo.premade.team for you guys to organise your scrims and drop decks.

#56 Ghostmaker


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Posted 14 December 2016 - 07:49 AM

I consistently raid Sarna.net for the TT games' build variants and use them to great success. (my TROs are in horrible shape)

I am especially fond of using the 'Royal' variants from my books and Sarna and trying to build them in the game.

Is this what you mean by stock mode?

I actually do not like building pure custom builds. Call it my stodgy Battletech TT ways but custom mechs were for Solaris. Posted Image

Edited by Ghostmaker, 14 December 2016 - 07:50 AM.

#57 Odanan


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Posted 14 December 2016 - 09:24 AM

View PostGhostmaker, on 14 December 2016 - 07:49 AM, said:

I consistently raid Sarna.net for the TT games' build variants and use them to great success. (my TROs are in horrible shape)

I am especially fond of using the 'Royal' variants from my books and Sarna and trying to build them in the game.

Is this what you mean by stock mode?

I actually do not like building pure custom builds. Call it my stodgy Battletech TT ways but custom mechs were for Solaris. Posted Image

In the private lobby, you can just select "stock mode" and all mechs in the match will be loaded with the exact stock loadout.

#58 Almond Brown


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Posted 05 January 2017 - 09:16 AM

View PostSteinar Bergstol, on 06 December 2016 - 04:46 AM, said:

Whenever he's been asked about Stock as an official queue mode that's pretty much been Russ' response. That it would fragment the population too much.

Given that PGI knew about the now "impending BattleTech' computer game before anyone else, why would they offer a BT Stock based mode anyways. That would just be silly. But the Forums always know better... ;)

#59 CharlieChap


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Posted 05 January 2017 - 09:33 AM


Whenever he's been asked about Stock as an official queue mode that's pretty much been Russ' response. That it would fragment the population too much

An official Stock mode, I suspect, would grow the overal population and herald the return of many that are already so 'fragmented' that they no longer play because the current boating high alpha 'meta' game bears very little resemblance to Battletech other than the visuals.

Great shame as MWO is a very decent game with the new stock private lobby option.

Its a fairly negative point of view isn't it. As if Russ is giving up on trying new things and the possibility of them being popular.

If people organise private events enough though and show that there really is a desire for the stock game from enough people, the more possibility that he may decide to try an official event at some point and actually see how popular it may be...although I suspect it would take a while for many of the disenchanted to drift back....

Edited by CharlieChap, 05 January 2017 - 10:19 AM.

#60 Odanan


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Posted 07 January 2017 - 07:29 AM

View PostPeiper, on 01 January 2017 - 08:16 AM, said:

Posted Image

What's this, you ask?

This will be an open, casual stock mode tournament.

Oh yeah? How do I join?

Well, you simply have to find a partner and show up! You and your partner will be assigned to a team made up of other partners and play through a Swiss paired tournament.

Yes, your pair will be paired up with other pairs for a Swiss paired tournament!

What if I don't have a partner?

Sign up here anyway, show up, and we'll pair you up with someone else who doesn't have a partner. Or we will use you and other single players to fill in teams as necessary.

How big will the teams be?

We don't know. It depends on how many people show up. We want to run 5 or 6 rounds of best 2 of 3 fights, and that requires a good number of teams to avoid teams playing each other multiple times in the bracket. Ideally, we're hoping for 6 vs 6 teams. If we have enough, we'll run 8 v 8 and if we don't have enough we'll run 4 v 4.

When is it?

22 January at 1pm EST is when we'll gather. (at least ONE of your pair should be there to represent your pair - OR - if you're arriving as a single, this will give us time to match you up with another player) Ideally, the tournament will start at 2pm EST.


The LCAF Communications Hub (Steiner Hub)

TS2.housesteiner.com - or -


(Rules are a work in progress at the moment)


Here are links to our last two events to give you an idea, perhaps, of what to expect.


Posted Image

How do I sign up?

Respond right here in this thread stating your intent to compete, along with your partner's name if you have one!

Do I NEED to sign up, or can I just show up?

You CAN just show up, but a chance to win the best prizes are reserved for people who both sign up and show up!


What is Swiss pairing? It's a type of tournament where winners play winners, and losers play losers. Ideally, but not always, you will be paired up up against teams of similar skill so no matter who wins the overall tournament, you will have some close matches no matter how good or bad you are as a team or player. It is NOT single elimination. You WILL have to work for your chance at prizes.

What mechs do I need to own or bring?

I hope to answer this question more specifically very soon. We have not decided if this will be a 3025, 3049, or 3055 tournament. In any case, understand that whatever mech you take will be automatically reverted to their stock configurations (that is, how you originally bought them). Even champion mechs revert to their pre-champion configurations. (A Dragon-1N (C) becomes a Dragon-1N)

We turn off efficiencies (pilot skills), modules, etc for the tournament so everyone will be on the same level.

The following spreadsheet should show all mechs available for use in the tournament with links to their builds for reference.



Our last two tournaments had prize support from PGI, and we hope to be sponsored once again. We gave out two types of prizes the last tournament. The players on the overall winning team received MC awards, and the better prizes (mech packs) were given out in different ways. Registered players who were there had a chance via lottery to win. Other prizes were given out via Battletech Lore Trivia questions.


Yes, the goal of our tournaments is to have a fun community event where everyone can drop, have a good time, make new friends and build up the mechwarrior community. It is the belief of the tournament organizers that people come for the mechs and stay for the friendships. The longevity of any video game is very much based upon whether people have a reason to return night after night even when they might be discouraged or a little bored.

Shouldn't winners get the best prizes?

This is a CASUAL COMMUNITY tournament. There are competitive tourneys out there already. This is a different animal all-together.


Come to the tournament expecting nothing, and be flexible. We like to be creative. The numbers of players that show up will determine how creative we can get. Examples rules may include something like: Catch that Raven! where only one ECM mech is allowed, the Raven 3L, and each team will be required to take one. Whoever kills the other team's Raven first wins the round! We'll do our best to playtest any scenarios during out stock nights Monday and Thursday evenings at the Steiner Hub.

For a complete list of Stock Day/Night activities, see this link!


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