I love playing MWO, but i hate that most games average 5 mins and you spend another 5 minutes average trying to get into another one. No, not another TTK or kodiak OP thread.
here's my thing....
It's a couple of minutes to get a match
another (minute? i dunno always alt tab) on map vote.
ANOTHER minute or so for the match to get all players connected and begin.
On an RTS or MOBA or anything where a match lasting 10 minutes is not a long time and 15 minutes isn't almost unheard of those are great wait times. On a game where 2 minutes in both teams are engaged and 3 minutes after that most matches are decided (save MAYBE a straggler playing peekaboo), it's not awesome.
I would like the time spent waiting between matches reduced. It would be nice if we could go from one game immediately into another without having to go back into the mechlab, wait for everything to load, select new match and then fall back in, like in Overwatch and some other games.
I'm not certain what the best way to implement that would be, but maybe a 'find match' button on the death/end match screen right beside spectate/exit match button.
there is the issue of having to figure out how to get a new mech as your current may be locked into the game but we got some smart creative people on the forums and on pgi staff im sure, someone can come up with something more intuitive.
I also would like it if we had the option to bypass the vote map and mode bit. That was a neat idea for shortening que times when it was first implemented, but a fair number of us just don't care enough what map or mode. i always kept all modes checked on the original checkbox. Now i don't suggest we go back to that, very counterproductive. But might it be possible to have a 'don't care' checkbox which would seed us into matches that are already past the voting stage and loading into the match itself?
some possible solutions to the bypassing mechlab while having your current mech in game=
1. being able to select a primary and secondary mech when you first hit search ala dropdecks.
game drops you in number 1 every match unless it's locked in a match, in which case it drops you into mech 2.
2. having a set of mechs on your quickplay deck ala dropdecks, and have it pop up if and only if you select my proposed 'find match' option instead of the 'spectate' and 'exit match' buttons. This is so people can't use it to abuse the system and pick a mech optimized for the next map but rather have to decide ahead just like regular drop players.
I would like an option to go immediately from one match to the next without going to mech lab, voting for maps, or any other possible delays.
except on weekends i can usually only get 1 hour a day of play in. would be nice if i didnt spend half of that waiting for various countdown timers.
please post any thoughts, ideas, improvements?

Quick Play Mode
Started by Deadead, Oct 29 2016 05:16 PM
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