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Design Team, Mandaisy, Listen To My Ideas Damnit.

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#1 ManDaisy


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Posted 30 October 2016 - 08:50 AM

Very simple changes need to made to make very rich logical ED.
Please test team, sample this some time.

Override must be engaged to exceed scale into 200% range.

Heat scale changes:
1) Reduce over heat damage: No cockpit.
2) Increase Heat display to 200%. Include clear marker in player heat scale which shows
the line between 100 % and 101% to show when heat damage will begin
3) The (above is false and a lie) .
4) what is 100% or 200% can be should be based on a premade Variable for offsets. Example
100% is offset by variable = 20% , so 100 is really 80% and 200% is really 180%
5) Non randomized heat damage
Each Tick,
1 second = 1 tick
Check to see mech overheat.
Total damge done this tick
= points above 100%, divided by 7 to each component.

Example: a mech is 20 heat points over 100%. If damage per heat =2, then at this_tick its takes 40/7 damage to each component but not head.
1 tick passes, the mech cools 5 heat points, still 15 heat points over 100%. If damge per heat =2 then at this_tick it takes 30/7 damage to each component but not head.

The final damage per tick should be scaled to mech tonnage to balance out structure difference between classes. Light = dmg per tick * .7 Med = dmg per tick * .8 Heave = dmg per tick *.9 Assault = dmg per tick *1

How much damage each heat point equals and where exactly 100% lies with the offset can be tweaked.

1) (stage 3)Mechs will experience SHUTDOWN, when exceeding energy Draw by a margin
2) (stage 2)Mechs will LOSE max attainable SPEED when exceeding energy draw by a margin
3) (stage 1)Mechs will experience reticle shake, when exceeding energy draw by a margin
4) Slow the regeneration rate of energy draw.
5) Energy draw must have a logical regeneration rate:
For example: total energy draw is equal to 30
continuing fire of 4 medium lasers, (20) allows for 10 regeneration ticks
beam duration of medium laser and cooldown is (x time)
so a tick is really (that_time) /30 (corrected).

This means the time between firing 4 medium lasers their cooldown, and them being ready
to fire again, 30 (ticks) for ED would have elasped. Firing 4 medium lasers equates to -20 ED points, thus at the end of 1 cycle you would be at 20 ED points. (30 - 20 +10) An immediate volley afterwards would put you in the at 10 ED (20 -20 +10). Firing again would now put you at 0 ED. (10 - 20 +10) Firing again would put you at (-10 ED). (0 -20 + 10)
This is the scale firing (4) medium lasers consecutively. Most mech many weapons beyond that, so they would experience greater penalties.

The tick is scaled to the most common weapon
in this example. This differs from the current energy draw by being MUCH slower
where players may alpha once and must rebuild their ED pool.
6) Energy draw must be able to go into the (Negatives)
7) The scale of energy draw should be Negative and Positive unlike Heat. There should be a clear
dividing line between negative and positive. ( the throttle is and example)
8) Negative values must be regained to positive levels to mitigate penalties.
9) Negative values must be persistent.

Edited by ManDaisy, 02 November 2016 - 01:31 PM.

#2 ManDaisy


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Posted 02 November 2016 - 01:24 PM

some math has been corrected.

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