Nova Builds
Posted 07 April 2015 - 07:36 PM
what are your best builds you've found? I'm looking to buy into some here in a bit and I'd like to know which way to go with them ahead of time.
Posted 07 April 2015 - 08:01 PM
Nova S with 6 er med las and 4 machine guns.
Nova Prime with 12 er small lasers, bap, and targeting computer 1.
My builds have no differences since before
Posted 09 April 2015 - 12:20 AM
best of both worlds SPL and ERSL. Run 2 cool shots. Nobody plays it but when they try it out, they stick with it.
Edited by 3CLIPZ3, 09 April 2015 - 12:21 AM.
Posted 11 April 2015 - 03:03 AM
Posted 13 April 2015 - 12:56 PM
Is there a fun build that works with some skill in a solo or group queue? Absolutely. I love my Nova, but I know when to leave it in the Mechbay.
I run my PRIME with 12 ERSL's (each arm set as a weapon group) and stuffed full of heat sinks. When you run out of room for heat sinks, add a small targeting computer - I think I run a Mk 1.
It is a great ambush mech. Find an enemy mech (preferably a medium or heavy) and pounce on it from inside 250 m. If you can pinpoint a weak spot, you can take it down with 2 - 3 salvos from the arms. Get back into hiding pronto to cool off. Repeat until dead.
Some people like using the B chassis for the MG's, but I find them distracting. This also requires you to stay aimed at the target while the MG's find those crits. I'm generally bouncing and twisting too much (to roll damage) to focus on that, so I stay w/ the energy and use the extra space/weight for heat dissipation/targeting.
Alternatively, I used to run it w/ 12 SPL's (aka the Party Nova), but the latest quirk pass pulled me back to ERSL's. If you run SPL's, you won't have weight available for a targeting computer unless you just really want one. You will also need to get closer (inside 200 m, ideally) and will overheat more quickly. You will also wreck faster, so it's a tradeoff.
I find it feast or famine - I've done over 1,000 dmg w/ 7 kills in one of these and I've also been cleaned up w/o passing 100 if the battle never gets to short range, I can't find a good ambush target, or I get caught in the open. A typical match yields me about 350 - 750 dmg. YMMV.
Posted 13 April 2015 - 01:26 PM
Posted 14 April 2015 - 02:13 AM
Edited by 3CLIPZ3, 14 April 2015 - 02:14 AM.
Posted 14 April 2015 - 05:49 AM
Posted 14 April 2015 - 07:46 AM
I play exclusively with novas (4 of em , all the same build) in cw as a "tank destroyer" . I originaly used 4ML+6SML+4MG'S+Mark 1 tc , but it was way too hot for my ability to handle it and i kept getting killed by overheating infront of enemies . Thus i switched to 4SMPL+6SML+4MG'S+Mark1 tc , and its very good now .I mean that one needs to push it alot to overheat while the dmg remains very close to the original version . Its an "all-or-nothing" kind of mech so dont expect to do much dmg with it , cuz either your enemies will die with couple of salvos , or you will . I am a bad player , and i do 3-6 kills and at around 800-1400dmg per match . I have my weapons grouped in 2 groups , 1st 4smpl+4mg's , 2nd 6sml+4mg's .I dont do alphas cuz i found out that continues fire its better than 1 big alpha , but thats just me .
The lil mech excels in the role of "tank destoyer" waiting in ambush and quickly dispatch a mech twice its size . I personaly engage enemies below 200meters where all my weaps do dmg .The reason i put the 4 mg's in both groups is for keep firing everytime i click any mouse button . I also have em alone in group 3 , just in case i am hot enough and cant use the other 2 groups .
Even into the hands of a mediocre player like me , its a force to be recon with . Proof of that is that more than 70% of my kills , are....stalkers(3 out of 4 kills)!
Be adviced tho , despite the fact that this lil mech is powerfull , its not very durable , so unless you wonna play a "fire a forget" kind of game style (fire once and forget about it) , i would recomend you treat it like a "light mech on steroids"

Edited by Hronis1974, 14 April 2015 - 07:48 AM.
Posted 16 April 2015 - 01:53 PM
Swapping out the large pulse for 6x ERML was a no-brainer to me. Only reason I didn't follow suit with the other weaponry was for variety's sake. I don't see any point in carrying two NVA-PRIME, that's overkill.

Posted 16 April 2015 - 03:40 PM
Khereg, on 13 April 2015 - 12:56 PM, said:
I find it feast or famine - I've done over 1,000 dmg w/ 7 kills in one of these and I've also been cleaned up w/o passing 100 if the battle never gets to short range, I can't find a good ambush target, or I get caught in the open. A typical match yields me about 350 - 750 dmg. YMMV.
This. 12 ERSL, TC1, BAP, Fill the other 8 tons with heat sinks. It is a beast in close range fights, and has the heat dissipation to kick out those 30 point laser blasts in fairly rapid succession. Don't try to hill hump and trade fire - brawl or skirmish, because you have better DPS, and your alpha is 60 points in lasers.
Alternately, you can go 10 ERSL, 1 ERLL, and 7 heat sinks. Heat management is worse, your close-in has lower DPS, but you don't need to worry about being stuck on Alpine with nothing but small lasers.
I've tried to run the NVA-B for the new armor and structure quirks, but good lord those are some awful arms. cUAC5 is the only cUAC I find usable, but oh god all that tonnage eaten up + ammo. The Energy Arm can be loaded up with a Large Pulse, but then you don't really have much free tonnage to make use of the Pulse Quirks. Best compromise I could come up with is this: NVA-B - MPL Which makes use of the -S arm in the place of the ballistic right so you can have 5 MPL across the body of the mech, but it's kind of underwhelming. The LT can be swapped out too, since the structure bonus is the same and this build doesn't use the machine guns.
Posted 20 April 2015 - 01:06 AM
I agree with Dakkaface , that the build he is describing above (NVA-B-MPL) is far more versatile , than the traditional "tank destroyer" builds with tones of sml/spls . Repasy's build (NVA-BP) is also versatile , altho i would throw away that mg's and sml , for extra ammo for the c-uac or maybe an extra dhs .
Nowdays , i personaly use a "hubrid " build , with a prime left arm and 3 ML'S , a nova -s right arm and 3 MPL's , nova b right torso , a TC1 and as many dhs as it can carries . The heat mng is 1.19 which allows alot of firing , and the 3 ML's give it a bit more range which i found it very usefull , especially in defence against the first IS waves of assault/heavy mixures .
Special mentioning.
If there are out there ppl like me , whom they bought 4 novas cuz they where on sale and cheap , or just cuz they loved em , i could tell from experience that a deck full of novas is doable . The lil mech is versatile and can do many things with low cost . It would be wise tho not to make the same mistake that i have done by using only sort range builds for long time . A long range build with ERLL'S (or a mixture of ERLL'S and ML'S) , a couple of medioum range builds as described above (which ever suits you best) and a "tank destroyer" , should be a good all around dropdeck to cover most engagement senarios.
So if you dont want to spend much , or you just love that lil mech , dont be relactunt to use it in full capacity . It is my personal belief that this lil mech , when mastered?...has nothing to envy the stormcrow for. Again , thats only my personal belief , and i am saying this cuz i see more and more novas joining the CW battlefield every day , and they are doing good . Just always remember , that despite its fire power , this mech its only a medioum , not a heavy or assault , so be wise and use it accordingly.
Have a nice day everyone

Edited by Eddison Trend, 20 April 2015 - 01:11 AM.
Posted 22 April 2015 - 06:13 AM
Eddison Trend, on 20 April 2015 - 01:06 AM, said:
I agree with Dakkaface , that the build he is describing above (NVA-B-MPL) is far more versatile , than the traditional "tank destroyer" builds with tones of sml/spls . Repasy's build (NVA-BP) is also versatile , altho i would throw away that mg's and sml , for extra ammo for the c-uac or maybe an extra dhs .
Nowdays , i personaly use a "hubrid " build , with a prime left arm and 3 ML'S , a nova -s right arm and 3 MPL's , nova b right torso , a TC1 and as many dhs as it can carries . The heat mng is 1.19 which allows alot of firing , and the 3 ML's give it a bit more range which i found it very usefull , especially in defence against the first IS waves of assault/heavy mixures .
Special mentioning.
If there are out there ppl like me , whom they bought 4 novas cuz they where on sale and cheap , or just cuz they loved em , i could tell from experience that a deck full of novas is doable . The lil mech is versatile and can do many things with low cost . It would be wise tho not to make the same mistake that i have done by using only sort range builds for long time . A long range build with ERLL'S (or a mixture of ERLL'S and ML'S) , a couple of medioum range builds as described above (which ever suits you best) and a "tank destroyer" , should be a good all around dropdeck to cover most engagement senarios.
So if you dont want to spend much , or you just love that lil mech , dont be relactunt to use it in full capacity . It is my personal belief that this lil mech , when mastered?...has nothing to envy the stormcrow for. Again , thats only my personal belief , and i am saying this cuz i see more and more novas joining the CW battlefield every day , and they are doing good . Just always remember , that despite its fire power , this mech its only a medioum , not a heavy or assault , so be wise and use it accordingly.
Have a nice day everyone

with those hitboxes and hardpoint locations, the SCR is and will always be superior. Especially with the SCR getting now the same Amount of possible 13E hardpoints. The problem is your CT, that every decent pilot will wreck you in no time. Surely if you pug in CW as a good player amongst other pugs, the no elo MM will make you succeed in any mech, even the worst. But in the direct comparison the Nova is not a true competition to the SCR when both pilots have equal skill.
But the SCR is so ugly, that the awesome look of the Nova can never be challenged by that displumed bird.
Posted 22 April 2015 - 03:38 PM
Lily from animove, on 22 April 2015 - 06:13 AM, said:
I wouldn't say the SCR is and will always be superior. Keep in mind we've had it confirmed by Russ that the SCR and TBR are getting negative quirks. The SCR may not be the uncontested top dog for much longer. Nova-B is surprisingly tanky - it's already clear they know the Nova is huge and fragile and the Nova quirks reflect that in oodles of bonus structure and bonus armor on easily blown off arms. The CT bonus getting increased is likely given it's massive size. SCR is always going to have a better armament, but NVA is not horrendous, and when it's quirks are mostly finalized and the SCR quirks are in, we may see them even out considerably.
Edited by Dakkaface, 22 April 2015 - 03:38 PM.
Posted 23 April 2015 - 02:27 AM
Dakkaface, on 22 April 2015 - 03:38 PM, said:
How is it tanky? because of arm HP? LOL no, all novas are as squishy as the others (expect the new NVA C whcih has 8 more CT HP). Skilled pilots won't aim at your arms anymore.
Posted 23 April 2015 - 01:37 PM
Lily from animove, on 23 April 2015 - 02:27 AM, said:
How is it tanky? because of arm HP? LOL no, all novas are as squishy as the others (expect the new NVA C whcih has 8 more CT HP). Skilled pilots won't aim at your arms anymore.

Lily, we all know you have a enormous raging hateboner for the Nova. Can we engage on this like adults instead of saying Nova is garbage, always will be garbage, can never be anything but garbage? Because that's what your stance is coming across as and it's an annoyingly insular viewpoint that disregards the possibility of quirks making any impact, regardless of what changes they make.
Arms get shot. Legs get shot. Side torsos get shot. Saying improvements there are meaningless is false. 8 bonus HP to the CT is not the same as 8 bonus HP to all center and torsos, plus an additional 16-38 HP on all arms, plus an additional 12-16 HP on legs. That is not a small amount. Likewise this is the first round for the Nova. Adjustments up and down may come as they did for the first 4 quirked omnimechs.
Edited by Dakkaface, 23 April 2015 - 01:38 PM.
Posted 23 April 2015 - 04:45 PM
Dakkaface, on 23 April 2015 - 01:37 PM, said:

Lily, we all know you have a enormous raging hateboner for the Nova. Can we engage on this like adults instead of saying Nova is garbage, always will be garbage, can never be anything but garbage? Because that's what your stance is coming across as and it's an annoyingly insular viewpoint that disregards the possibility of quirks making any impact, regardless of what changes they make.
Arms get shot. Legs get shot. Side torsos get shot. Saying improvements there are meaningless is false. 8 bonus HP to the CT is not the same as 8 bonus HP to all center and torsos, plus an additional 16-38 HP on all arms, plus an additional 12-16 HP on legs. That is not a small amount. Likewise this is the first round for the Nova. Adjustments up and down may come as they did for the first 4 quirked omnimechs.
yes and noobs miss, still I do not stip all my mechs armor. If the NVA would be like a centurion, those arm hp would matter, but seriously, do you ever aim on a Nova's arms? DO YOU? The ST is so easy to blow off or even the CT. that the entire extra HP on arms are pointless vs a player knowng what he does. The effect is negliable to before. because hardly any serious stuf was truly buffed. So far the most efficient buff was the acc/decc.
And yes amount was not small, but the leg HP? not needed, the arm hp, not needed. Look what the size of the dragons CT is and the Novas, look what both have as quirks in comparison.
you need to see the entire thing more objectively. Yes arms get blown off sometimes, but mostly by people who cna either not peroperly aim, or do not know which are vital sections on which mech. But vs those you can even bring a stock locust and have fun and success. They are not what a buff or balance will be created around.
There are on many mechs very obvious issues which could be fixed very easily. Yet randomly weird quirks have been chosen. Especially for the Nova which has the same issue as the dragon, which was quirked in the correct way it makes hardly much sense that suddenly such a weird totally different and non needed buff was chosen.
It's like meeting a homeless who is starving and giving him a house. Yes you have improved his situation, but he needed food first, now you hav a dead man in a house.
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