Flamers look awesome before, what happened? Why do they look like failed light-sabers today? Yes, obviously because of a nerf with a patch, but why was the nerf put?
As for how to make it "great" again, here is a list of what i think should be done. If you want to add your own, or contest to one of mine or existing additions, it's okay.
> Return the video Flamer flames. One of the reasons my brother said is that they obscured vision. So why not just make the flames that cloud the sight invisible?
> Flamers are cooled individually rather than a group with multiple flamers attached, so chainfiring won't build-up other Flamers' gauge.
> As opposed of just dealing damage and heat continuously in a stream, each "hit" sets mechs aflame; they take damage overtime and reduced heatsink efficiency for 1s as well.
Just as Tag, you need to stare down mechs to repeatedly apply the temporary DOT and heatsink overtime. The reduced efficiency is not additive, it's multiplicative; that on a hot environment it does not increase to -50%, rather it only reaches 43.75%, assuming that it's -25% efficiency on top of the ambient -25% efficiency. This means that multiple flamers whould work, but with diminishing effects, that with less efficiency you already have, the less Flamers affects you.
This DOT system may or may not stack with multiple flamers, under PGI's discretion taking account of balance. Likewise, damage profile adjustments should occur -- even though Flamers already have near non-existent damage.
Edited by The6thMessenger, 12 November 2016 - 12:54 AM.