Purification Commencing
Posted 15 November 2016 - 07:35 PM
Has anyone else been getting these types of results from their Purifiers? If so, what builds are you using?
Posted 16 November 2016 - 03:16 AM
C-SRM6 x 4, C-SPL x 4. 72 damage alpha.
It's the only light that can blow off an assault's side torso in two volleys. No ghost heat involved, either.
With Fast Fire and both cooldown modules, and a couple of coolshots, you can conceivably assassinate any mech - frontal or rear - in about 7 seconds.
While ECM-AMS is nice to have, I figure that since most people ignore kitfoxes as long as other mechs are around, you might as well be the kodiak of the light world...
Edited by Fox With A Shotgun, 16 November 2016 - 03:17 AM.
Posted 16 November 2016 - 03:25 AM
Easy Target
The best hard point are torso mounted with very poor pitch.
14.5 pod space (15 shaving the left arm) tons of equipment isn't enough for big energy weapons and adequate heat sinks.
ECM access
Excellent Torso hard points for hill peeking
Jump availability
14.5 pod space (15 shaving the left arm that has 20 free armor) tons of equipment for a 30 tonner
Some consequences of the previous considerations:
The thing doesn't have enough tonnage to run typical laser vomit: 2cLPL + XcERML.
cERLL has too long burn time for such a fragile mech and variant (only KFX variant with 0 extra structure in ST)
cERPPC are unbearable hot, I tried (JJs optional and hard to fit)
So far the best I've tried is
4cERML+ECM in the torsos + some back up weapon in the arms.
2cLPL+ECM with no other weapons.
4cMPL+ECM and 4JJs
EDIT: Sorry for the edit but I made a lot of mistakes after rewriting some parts of my post which made it hard to read. Fixed now while keeping the spirit of the post.
Edited by Brizna, 16 November 2016 - 07:15 AM.
Posted 16 November 2016 - 03:36 AM
P.S. A little sore that I shelled out RL money for a removable actuator so I could have an LB20 and didn't get it.
Posted 16 November 2016 - 03:43 AM
If a Nova can brawl like a boss with 12, you can brawl like a boss as well with 8!
Posted 16 November 2016 - 05:33 AM
Fox With A Shotgun, on 16 November 2016 - 03:16 AM, said:
Damage are indeed insane, but the agility and speed really kill his hability to brawl. At roughly 100kph + bad hitboxes + paper armor... When you put one foot in the middle of a brawl, you get kill very fast. So easy to focus some damages on you. And you don't have the ECM who can save your a*s sometimes.
Jenner IIC, Oxyde, cheetos with SPL, Huggin and even Pirate Bane with 4xSPL are better at short range because they have speed. Speed is life in a light mech.
But well it's so insane i would like to try 4xSPL + 3xAMS + ECM + some SRMs in the left arm......... The almighty umbrella brawling and jumping foxy !
Posted 16 November 2016 - 07:13 AM
Aleski, on 16 November 2016 - 05:33 AM, said:
Yeah well, that's why I theory crafted mid to long range builds. They go well for bad hit boxes, paper thin armor, slow but with high hard points protected by ECM.
Those brawling builds 762 Nato and Fox with a Shotgun provided have Brizna's seal of approval in reckless brawling with little concern for self survival but in the end this mech will settle for a peeking mid to long range style for which it is better suited. Brawling in KFX is a risky proposition that requires high amounts of battle awareness and luck to succeed, reminds me of 4xASRM6 BJ 2.
Posted 16 November 2016 - 03:55 PM
Aleski, on 16 November 2016 - 05:33 AM, said:
Jenner IIC, Oxyde, cheetos with SPL, Huggin and even Pirate Bane with 4xSPL are better at short range because they have speed. Speed is life in a light mech.
But well it's so insane i would like to try 4xSPL + 3xAMS + ECM + some SRMs in the left arm......... The almighty umbrella brawling and jumping foxy !
Smurfy: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...99b7b462c3061e7
Great builds so far! The extreme alpha setups are interesting. Personally, because of her fragility and lack of speed, I chose to build my Purifier as a support mech for my friends. I use my ECM and AMS to protect them and stick behind them as a damage amplifier when they charge. The 228m optimum for my ERSLs give me just enough distance to be a second-line mech behind the brawlers and I'm rarely focused. This allows me to live through the match and get some great damage totals.
Edited by Yogge Mothi, 16 November 2016 - 04:06 PM.
Posted 16 November 2016 - 04:03 PM
Yogge Mothi, on 16 November 2016 - 03:55 PM, said:
If you pick your fights and targets carefully, you can get some great damage out of the big alpha setups too. The key is to find mechs that either can't retaliate properly (LRM boats are a prime candidate, as are any hot builds with a lot of ERLLs or PPCs) or are close to overheating (jump in after everyone else in a committed brawl). It's not as easy to do as with any longer ranged build, but it does help the team a lot more by quickly destroying any given target.
After all, you're helping your team more by making sure two KDK-3's are taking a permanent dirt nap in the first five minutes of the game, even at the cost of your mech, than by spamming 2-3 PPCs per target by the end of the match. Or if you put those pesky LRM boats down before they can call for help.
Edited by Fox With A Shotgun, 16 November 2016 - 04:05 PM.
Posted 16 November 2016 - 04:33 PM
I've tried 2 LPL, 1LPL + 3 ERMed, 2 ERPPC, 4 ERMed, 5 ERMed, 6 ERMed, 3AMS + 7ERSL, 7 SPL.
So far my best results came from ERMed Spam. I think its because of the range coupled with the fact that people ignore Kitfoxes when next to larger mechs and because of the ECM.
Will try the SRMs + SPLs next.

My best match so far since I got the Purifier.
Managed to get to the HPG walls with 5 ERMeds. Took out both the Hellbringer's RTs with ECM, cored a lot of their backs, managed to gimp a few LRM boats. Yeah the new high mounts are pretty effective. Suffice to say a lot of the enemy team members were pretty pissed....
Yeah the Purification was commenced.
I think 5 ERMeds is the most optimal build, workable range, not too hot but hot enough that it manages to use resting heat well, RA mount is cockpit level + 4 Torso Mounts, and not too bad to brawl with if it comes to that.
Another Edit:

Guys, I think we have a problem.... I smell a nerf incoming....
Edited by NighthawK1337, 17 November 2016 - 06:42 AM.
Posted 25 November 2016 - 02:45 AM
Posted 25 November 2016 - 03:21 AM
In order of best to worst performers(Armor values aren't quite right, damn Smurfy not getting the quirks right):
The D.Va Kitfox: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...ec8f4a29e2b62ab
Tiny shotguns of doom. God this thing is fun. Doable on the other Kitfoxes, but the extra two ERSLs make a pretty big difference in its performance in my experience. That extra 10 damage close up is not to be underestimated.
Brawls for days: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...9473999965bc6e2
Simple ASRM6 build with a pair of ERSLs. Hot at times and not the *best* possible alpha or DPS, but god, four ASRM6s on a light mech *and* lasers? I'd use both torsos if I didn't have the other on a different Kitfox.
Lurms because you can actually have two MLs and a tag on it now: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...c8df64c9eb17330
I mean, you get LRM30 on a 30 ton mech, *and* can bring your own TAG *and* can bring two ERMLs too? Seriously this is the dream fire support mech. I'd dare say it's an actually *good* LRM mech, even without many quirks. Could even fit Artemis if you wanted to downgrade to ERSLs and shave some ammo/armor/the TAG/the probe/whatever, or go for two ALRM10s and throw on the ECM arm for glorious magic bubble support at the cost of damage. Or you could go for four LRM5s and four ERMLs and pretend you're a Mad Dog if you really, really wanted to.
God I love this mech. Only wish I could get more omnipods!
Posted 25 November 2016 - 04:14 AM
Fox With A Shotgun, on 25 November 2016 - 03:51 AM, said:
Why pretend to be a Mad Dog when you can be a Mad Fox?
-insert rabid fox here-
But you dont need to be mad to be a Cute Fox Hero (got stars in his eyes).
Seriously PGI, Foreigner warhorn plz.
Edited by Stealthrider, 25 November 2016 - 04:16 AM.
Posted 25 November 2016 - 04:21 AM
So even if quite hot something like
is probably going to be a very interesting jump sniper as the ecm makes you hard to spot and the 2 JJ's are enough to hop over a hill. And since
Posted 25 November 2016 - 05:33 AM

Posted 25 November 2016 - 01:50 PM
Like this? Kinda meta-ish, but the chassis does just scream out "use me for laservomit!"
Or... like this? Common sense and quirks be damned, this just looks fun. UAC nerfs or no, it's still pretty solid on paper, and lights with big ballistics are a bit of an addiction of mine. A cockpit-level arm ballistic is something no other Clan light besides the KFX can offer, and with the ear lasers for backup...
Posted 25 November 2016 - 05:07 PM
They also, coincidentally, nerfed the UAC20 to ****, so the UAC20 adder (with spammable 50 pt alphas) is gone. RIP.
Edited by Keshav Murali, 25 November 2016 - 05:08 PM.
Posted 20 December 2016 - 09:21 PM
PURIFIER 499 324 173 1.87 842 268 3.14 249,935 733,905
250k damage / 500 matches, or 500 damage/match average. While doing some trollbuilds on it from time to time.
I do keep track of specific serious builds for it, however, and I've come to the conclusion that the laser Brawlifier (8 SPL) is the god of short-range damage. It has an average damage of around 615 damage/match, while the big alpha SRM6x4 + SPLx4 one has a pretty poor 300 damage/match. Probably attributable to the lack of heatsinks on the big alpha build, which causes it to not fare very well in longer matches.
Honorable mention to the flametroll build (SPL x6 + Flamer x2), which while it does not rack up as much damage as its more vomity cousin, has the advantage of being able to hard counter other laser vomit or missile builds that it runs into. After all, if they can't shoot you back, you get a free pass to kick them in the balls.
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