But that's not what I am interested in. What I want to know, is what's the highest theoretical stack you can attain from the quick play votes? See, I used to think it's 23, because as soon as you hit 24,even if there are 23 people voting against you, you are going to win.
But that's just way too simplistic. Because, I did not take into account that 23 other people might have stacks too.
So here's the intricacy comes in. Because assuming you can hit a new high in stack, TECHNICALLY, 23 other people can hit that too, thus further pushing up the new maximum.
(Kinda like a repeating loop)
Now, I am no math major, so my guess is infinity, but I don't know if I am missing a limiting factor somewhere, what you guys think?
What is the theoretical highest voting stack you can ever attained from quick play votes?
Edited by razenWing, 23 November 2016 - 04:08 AM.