Hello all, This is a newly formed unit with myself as the headmaster, I have been reading over alot of the recruitments here and it seems like i have a tough challenge ahead of me with this unit, so with that in mind.. lets see how i can do.
I know alot of people here seem to be hardcore, but i am not, this is a casual and fun unit and i do not push for attendance or playtime, i know alot of other MMOs that are end game require you to subject yourself to living on the game in question, i do not believe that is the way to have fun,
If you happen to see one of us on group up and learn to work together, thats the best way to learn the game, imho.
if your new to the game, as i myself am, as of the posting i have only been playing a week or 2, but i am a fairly avid battletech fan, been into it since the late 80's early 90's when the real battletech was around. i have not played anything beyond the original mechwarrior but this franchise has always been near and dear to my heart.
i do not use teamspeak or any other chat aside from typing, i guess i am old skool like that, and as such i do not expect others to do the same, if you have it and use it thats fine, but dont expect others to.
so if your interested in a semi stress free environment, as stress free as any pvp game can be anyways, feel free to join with me and make my unit bigger, who knows, maybe one day we can place on the rankings and make a name for ourselves.

The Army Of Silence(Taos)
Started by Carkorak, Nov 20 2016 02:51 PM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 20 November 2016 - 02:51 PM
Posted 14 December 2016 - 07:06 AM
My friend,i have the idea of join a Wolf unit,but i have some problems to find one.
First of all u need to know that this is my not only account,i have about 20,with different loadouts and weapons. Just for try.
Now i think that this gonna be my definitive account. And my first and only mech is the Nova S. With that mech i can obtain the "Bad Company" title,in a desesperate match for survive while under fire,the match ended at the correct moment for my luck...
Back to the topic,i have several problems to find a unit because:
-I'm Spanish and i don't understand English speaked,only writed. Also,my sound card have problems.
-I've did some drops in the past with the unit Ghost Bear Kodiak Pride,as the title says,they're from Ghost Bear faction. Tell them about a pilot "Telrock the Adder pilot" and they can say u my skills on battlefield.
-It's about one year that i wont played the game and my skills diminished.
-My first and actual only mech is the Nova S with small pulse lasers and machineguns.
-My computer is what my signiature says,so i can't play invasions on FWs. Ok to scout misión,but i don't think that people plays this.
So,that are problems,and because of that,units don't want me. But since i see that this unit is a clan Wolf,i'll like to join. Only if u accept me with those conditions.
So well,thanks for read and be emphatic. See u on battlefield...
P D: See a proof of my skills:
First of all u need to know that this is my not only account,i have about 20,with different loadouts and weapons. Just for try.
Now i think that this gonna be my definitive account. And my first and only mech is the Nova S. With that mech i can obtain the "Bad Company" title,in a desesperate match for survive while under fire,the match ended at the correct moment for my luck...
Back to the topic,i have several problems to find a unit because:
-I'm Spanish and i don't understand English speaked,only writed. Also,my sound card have problems.
-I've did some drops in the past with the unit Ghost Bear Kodiak Pride,as the title says,they're from Ghost Bear faction. Tell them about a pilot "Telrock the Adder pilot" and they can say u my skills on battlefield.
-It's about one year that i wont played the game and my skills diminished.
-My first and actual only mech is the Nova S with small pulse lasers and machineguns.
-My computer is what my signiature says,so i can't play invasions on FWs. Ok to scout misión,but i don't think that people plays this.
So,that are problems,and because of that,units don't want me. But since i see that this unit is a clan Wolf,i'll like to join. Only if u accept me with those conditions.
So well,thanks for read and be emphatic. See u on battlefield...
P D: See a proof of my skills:

Edited by Warden Xim, 14 December 2016 - 08:47 AM.
Posted 22 January 2017 - 02:26 PM
would love to have ya, as stated in my description, if not i will need to edit it, faction play is not a requirement, just the desire to occcasionally group up with others and do a group random play, and yes i think more people do scouting then large scale now with the revamp of the faction wars, language isnt a problem, i dont use voice at all and i dont expect unit members to either
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