Appogee, on 24 November 2016 - 04:16 PM, said:
Look at your win:loss rates... as much as 1.88 for Assaults.
Do you really think your stats would be as good if you were losing more matches than you won? Or do you instead believe that you're so good a player that you're single-handedly carry games and make your win:loss positive?
When RNGesus frowns, and you get dropped with team after losing team where two entire lances of your team cannot do 200 damage - often much less - then you cannot consistently get good match scores. Unless perhaps you're in a KDK-3, and not levelling a c54p Mech like the PNT-10P.
That is 23 battles in my Warhawk Nanuq; the W/L is higher than my norm for Warhawks, but not absurdly so.
Here are all my stats in Warhawks:
There is some error in my stats with the Warhawk Prime; the 8 wins plus 6 losses equals 14 battles, versus the 17 it says. This error is probably due to me playing a few battles in the Trial version long ago, and for whatever reason those battles didn't record correctly (I think they were in Faction Play).
Anyway, that is 8 + 7 + 15 wins for 30 total wins, and 8 + 6+ 4 losses for 18 total losses, for a 1.67 W/L overall in my Warhawks, combined with a 2.18 K/D and 497 damage/battle.
And here's my Summoner stats:
Combined, that is 58 battles, 36 wins, 22 losses (1.64 W/L, 62.07% W/R), 64 kills, 27 deaths (2.37 K/D), 523 damage/battle.
Admittedly, those Summoners were being run with the dual ER PPC build with loyalty torso hardpoints, which makes that mech rather overpowered.
But I will freely admit I can't maintain such high W/L in all my mechs; I am barely managing more than 1.0 in my Timbies afterall.
But in most other mechs, I can maintain good W/L with good other stats.
I can even maintain good kill and damage stats when my teams are losing; on the first day of playing my loyalty Summoners (and when I was still experimenting with other builds than the dual ER PPC meta build) I only won 6 battles to 13 losses, but still maintained 425 damage/battle.
Another day I was playing my Stormcrow Lacerator; I only won 1 battle to 6 losses, but maintained 390 damage/battle.
In other words, a decent player will be able to still maintain decent performance even when the matchmaker is shafting them with bad teams.
Their performance will drop, but not by a huge amount, and over a large number of battles that negate the randomness of the matchmaker, they will produce a positive W/L in line with their K/D and Damage/Battle stats, unless they are doing something wrong, like being a damage farmer or not adequately supporting their teams.
Hell, I'm up to 52 battles with a 1.0 W/L in my Timby C and Warrant now, and with that number of battles I really can't blame the matchmaker for my failure to produce a better W/L; there must be something I'm doing wrong when I play those mechs.
So to answer your questions:
Yes, I expect to still produce decent stats even when the matchmaker is giving me bad teams.
If I'm doing badly when the matchmaker is giving me bad teams, or if I'm unable to produce a good W/L when I'm playing at a decent level over a large number of battles, then it is likely my own fault.
And yes: If I'm producing good damage and K/D along with correctly supporting my teams, then I expect to produce high W/L.
And yes, I can do that even with 'crap' mechs.
Edited by Zergling, 24 November 2016 - 07:54 PM.