-scouting. The concept is great and I really enjoy the capture or kill options
It provides, my suggestion here would be to provide an 8 man option that is essentially a recon in force with a specific objective that would translate to invasions for example. Attack a generator that would ensure a door would be open for the invasion attackers or would eliminate gate defenses. Limit the drop weight to lights and mediums. I think this would be super interesting and would
Give a tangible benefit and be a nice go between for 4 and 12 man drops.
-factions, let's go down to 3 buckets, is VS Is, clan va clan, clan vs Is. add in all
The other clans and factions in the universe so if a unit wants to be clan diamond shark or one of the smaller IS states they have that option. This should make the lore warriors happy and provide the people who want to play less hurdles to jump through.
Eliminate the concept of loyalist and merc. Kinda pointless imo as there is no real tangible benefit. And eliminate the wait period on switching factions.
Planet acquisitions are done based on the performance of a faction in that particular period. Establish an attainable threshold that takes into account scouting and invasion. This will make smaller units feel like they are contributing to the cause.
Establish a minimum contribution per period before people can vote so that people actually doing the voting can control the vote better. If your not even playing why swing the vote?
Create special events that corresponded with historical battletech events like you have done with tukyyaid. Create a special map only playable for that event. A good example would be the battle for Luthien where you have the choice of contributing as house kurita, house davion mercs, smoke jaguar, or nova cats. Would be fun and engaging. You could recreate the trial of refusal between clan wolf and jade falcon. Operation bull dog, the battle for the jags homeworld, heck we could make a 4th succession war mode with limited is tech or stock mode. The amount of major conflicts available lends itself to recreating scenarios for a limited time to creat epic faction war events that would be pleasing to fan boys or people who just want to smash mechs.
These are just my thoughts and their is certainly holes you can punch in them but the idea is to enrich the diversity of modes available, create excitement around 2-3 special events a year, and provide options for big and small units.
Edited by Ragnar Baron Leiningen, 29 November 2016 - 10:18 AM.